Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

الهندسة المعلوماتية (السنة الدراسية 2007-2008)

تصميم أنظمة التحكم

CFU: 5
لغة المحتوى:إيطالي
وصف المادة
Basic notions on computer architecture. Internal architecture of a data processing system. Principles of CPU, memory and I/O device operation.
المتطلبات المُسبقة
Mathematical foundations: Laplace transform and application to the solution of linear ordinary differential equations; elementary matrix theory; vector-matrix form of state equations. Zeta transform.
Representation of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems
State-variable description of linear dynamic systems; state-transition matrix and equation; characteristic equation and eigenvalues; decomposi-tion of transfer functions. Impulse response and transfer functions of linear systems.

Mathematical modeling of physical systems
electric networks, mechanical systems, thermal systems, hydraulic systems. DC motors and operational amplifiers in control systems.

Frequency-domain plots
polar plots; bode plot; Nyquist plot; magnitude-versus-phase plot; gain and phase crossover points; minimum-phase and nonminimum-phase functions.

Stability of linear control systems
bounded-input bounded-output stability and zero-input stability of continuous-data systems; methods of determining stability of linear continuous-data systems.

Frequency-domain analysis of control systems:
resonant peak, frequency peak and bandwidth of the prototype 2n order system; Nyquist stability criterion; relative stability: gain margin and phase margin; stability analysis with theBode plot and with the gain-phase plot; the Nichols chart; attenuation and rejection of sinusoidal disturbances; sensitivity studies in the frequency domain.

Time-domain analysis of control systems
typical test signals for the time response of control systems; time-domain performance of continuous-data control systems: the steady-state error; time-domain performance of control systems: transient response; transient response of a prototype second-order system. Attenuation and/or rejection of polynomial disturbances.

Frequency-domain design of control systems
design with the phase-lead controller; design with the phase-lag controller; design with lead-lag lag-lead controllers
Digital control system design
through discrete approximation of analog controller.
مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
Giovanni Ulivi
أساتذة الفيديو
Prof. Elias Tochan -
لائحة دروس الفيديو
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori
Alberto Isidori