Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

الهندسة المدنية والبيئية (السنة الدراسية 2010/2011) - Strutture e infrastrutture

Statica e dinamica dei sistemi meccanici

CFU: 9
لغة المحتوى:إيطالي
وصف المادة
The course aims to provide the basis for an approach to structural mechanics, through learning the basics of kinematics, dynamics and statics of rigid bodies.
المتطلبات المُسبقة
Calculus, Linear algebra, Physics. Mathematical methods for engineering is also suggested.
أهداف المادة
Knowing the theory of vectors and the problems relating to forces and loads applied; recognize isostatic, statically indeterminate and unstable structures; manage problems of balance of systems comprising multiple constrained rigid trunks. Knowing how to draw the characteristics of the stress diagrams.
The course covers the following topics:
1. Vector calculus
2. Kinematics of rigid motions and constrained systems
3. Elements of dynamics
4. Geometry of areas
5. static and dynamic elements of the structures
C. Cennamo. B. Chiaia, L. Placidi (Instructors), Statica e Dinamica dei Sistemi Meccanici. Mc Graw Hill Create.
Acquistabile attraverso il sito
A. D’Anna, P. Renno, Elementi di meccanica razionale. Vol. I e II. EDIZIONI CUEN
C. Cennamo. B. Chiaia, L. Placidi (Instructors), Statica e Dinamica dei Sistemi Meccanici. Mc Graw Hill Create. Acquistabile attraverso il sito
F. dell'Isola, L. Placidi, Esercizi e complementi di Scienza delle costruzioni. Vol.I. Matrici cinematiche e strutture isostatiche. Società editrice Esculapio, 2012.
E. Viola, Esercitazioni di Scienza delle costruzioni. Vol.I. Strutture isostatiche e Geometria delle masse.
These texts are also available at the offices of Rome, Vittorio Emanuele II, 39, II floor, Faculty of Engineering, by appointment with the tutor.
Classification of structures. Calculation of isostatic structures, calculation of static and moments of inertia for two-dimensional figures.
مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
Claudia Cennamo
أساتذة الفيديو
Prof. Amr Ramadan El Dhaba - Damanhour University (Egypt)
لائحة دروس الفيديو
Pasquale Renno
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