Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

ماجستير في المنطق وتقنيات إدارة المشاريع (السنة الدراسية 2021/2022)

Sistemi e processi di produzione avanzati

لغة المحتوى:إيطالي
وصف المادة
The course of Production Planning and Control aims to provide all the technical and economic tools that can analyze, plan to design production processes. For these reasons, the course is designed divided into six major macro areas: production planning; design of production processes; materials management in the confrontation between the logic and reintegration needs; the management of production processes in LEAN optics; production control; maintenance management of production processes. During production planning we will examine the concepts and classic models of production planning, the aggregate programming, up to reach the medium-term planning based on MRP models. In the planning phase we will examine the models and the size of the various systems and production techniques, ranging from complex transformation to those of assembly. In this phase we will also be examined processes and the lot sizing models to achieve the goal of efficient production systems. The phase of production control as the models and techniques, which in compliance with the set objectives, it checks to see if what was planned has actually been achieved. Of particular interest will be the part of the course which will cover the management of production processes in LEAN optics. In this phase we will define the main concepts that characterize these management activities even in comparison, using KPI, with alternative management activities. The last phase of the course an interesting topic transverse and able to sustain the production objectives, both in terms of effectiveness, both in terms of efficiency: the maintenance of the production processes. Each phase of the course ends with a series of remarkable applications that are designed to lead the student to deal with the real problems of production processes and to begin to make decisions in order to achieve their goals.
أهداف المادة
Provide students with the basics, methodologies and techniques for planning and management of production systems, with particular reference to the issues of materials management, product distribution and maintenance of production processes.
This course, which provides 9 credits and consists of 18 hours of video lessons.
The course structure consists of 6 macro subjects: 1. Production Planning, which results in the determination and flowchart of the main models and planning tools: dalI'Aggregate Production Planning to master production schedule (MPS); 2. The medium-term planning based on MRP; 3. Just in Time techniques for production management; 4. The operational management of technical materials: the reinstatement of management techniques (EOQ with variants); the on demand management techniques; 5. The management of stocks; 6. The management of the processes Productive Maintenance. Each delivery of the program will be enriched by events in Virtual Classroom for an hour each. The themes are based on the main models and quantitative techniques will be enhanced by virtual classrooms to improve the understanding and ability to use the same.
There are also educational materials related to the topics of video lessons, which are composed of texts of theoretical study, datasheets and handouts. In detail, the related teaching materials: - Slide the course, the slides used by the teachers authors of the video lessons, which students can download and print to create your own "book of the course" - Books & Articles: texts, essays, descriptions, insights, - Bibliography: annotated references to literature sources associated with the individual arguments of each videolesson - Sitography: reasoned selection of web sites related to topics of the video lesson exam papers. The exam papers for the course of Production Planning and Control are: P. Romano, “Pianificazione e controllo della produzione. Elementi introduttivi ed applicazioni”, CEDAM Padova, 2002. SeiichiNakajima - “TPM Total ProductiveMaintenance”, productivity Italia. JIPM - Japan Institute of PlantMaintenance - “Applichiamo il TPM, Guida operative alla realizzazione del Total ProductiveMaintenance”. Cattaneo M., Furlanetto L., Mastriforti C., “Manutenzione produttiva. L’esperienza del TPM in Italia”, Isedi, Torino 1991.
Determination of the cycle and safety stock Application of EOQ Models with the main variants: the definition of economic production lots; quantity discounts MRP Models
مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
Michele Giordano
لائحة دروس الفيديو
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria
Roberto Revetria