Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

الاقتصاد وإدارة الأعمال (السنة الدراسية 2018/2019) - إدارة الأعمال (مع كلية برلين للأعمال والتحديث)


CFU: 9
لغة المحتوى:إنجليزي
وصف المادة
Marketing is the core of an operating business. It is an organizational philosophy and a set of guiding principles for interfacing with customers, competitors, collaborators, and the environment. This course provides an introduction to all aspects of marketing, including analytical, strategic and operational marketing tools and techniques, as well as equip students with some essential principles of international marketing, and B2B and B2C markets.
المتطلبات المُسبقة
No prerequisite requirements
أهداف المادة
The main objectives of this course are to improve students’ ability to: • Appreciate the role of marketing for a company; • Understand the process of marketing and evolution of marketing thought; • Use the analytical marketing tools in order to assess market opportunities; • Understand strategic marketing tools and develop effective marketing strategies to achieve organizational objectives; • Understand the theories and practices related to the operational marketing; techniques (marketing mix variables) • Design a strategy implementation plan; • Understand dynamics and peculiarities of marketing in special fields (international marketing; B2B and B2C marketing).
The course is organized as follows: 1. Introduction to marketing: marketing definitions, marketing process 2. Analytical marketing 3. Strategic Marketing 4. Operational Marketing 5. International marketing 6. B2B and B2C marketing
1. J. Paul Peter, ‎James H. Donnelly, Preface to Marketing Management, 14th edition, McGraw-Hill Education
The exercises proposed during the course are essential to develop the necessary analytical skills and verify the understanding of the main concepts of Marketing. Exercises are composed of open-ended or multiple-choise questions and case studies to solve.
مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
Viviana D'Angelo
لائحة دروس الفيديو
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi
Stefano Chiussi