Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (السنة الدراسية 2022/2023)


لغة المحتوى:???????
وصف المادة

The course "Ecology" is taught at the third year. It consists of 8 lectures and 17 seminars. In addition, the course include self-work. The course ends with an exam.

المتطلبات المُسبقة
No prerequisite requirements
أهداف المادة

The purpose of discipline is formation of the abilities to assess the impact of their professional activity and optimal decision-making, eliminating environmental degradation. Tasks of discipline: acquaintance with the terminology and concepts of ecology; - understanding of basic environmental laws; - understanding of the role of anthropogenic influence in a particular region and to the biosphere as a whole; - understand the prospects for the use of new achievements of science in the organization of modern technologies in the context of the existing environmental problems


1. Karpenkov, S.H. Ekologiya: uchebnik dlya vuzov / S.H. Karpenkov. - M.: Direkt-Media, 2015. - 662 s.: il. - Bibliogr.: s. 627.  2017. - Kn. 1. - 432 s. i Kn. 2. - 522 s.

 2.Zhukov, V.I. Otsenka vozdejstviya transportno-dorozhnogo kompleksa na okruzhayushchuyu sred: uchebnoe posobie / V.I. ZHukov, L.N. Gorbunova, S.V. Sevast'yanov. - Krasnoyarsk: Sibirskij federal'nyj universitet, 2012. - CH. 1. - 486 s. , CH. 2. - 306 s.

 3.Ekologiya: praktikum [dlya vsekh spec. (bakalavrov i specialistov) och. formy obucheniya] / Sib. gos. un-t putej soobshch.; sost. G. V. Belonenko [i dr.]; red. G. V. Belonenko. - Novosibirsk: SGUPS, 2014. - 97 s.

مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
أستاذ غير متوفر
لائحة دروس الفيديو
Svetlana Chusovlyanova
Svetlana Chusovlyanova
Svetlana Chusovlyanova
Svetlana Chusovlyanova
Svetlana Chusovlyanova
Svetlana Chusovlyanova
Svetlana Chusovlyanova
Svetlana Chusovlyanova