Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

High school Level - Mechatronics and metallurgical VET for the sectors’industries - MEMEVET

Mechanics and manufacturing

لغة المحتوى:إنجليزي
وصف المادة
The course developes theoretical information about Manufacturing Techniques and Control dimensions, geometries and surfaces of products, comparing the measurements with the specifications of the product.
Moreover the course determines the process to be followed in assembling and merging operations, analyzing the technical documentation.
أهداف المادة
The objectives of the course are: to deetermine the shape and dimensions of the products that will be manufactured, interpreting the symbolism and associating it with its representation in the manufacturing plans. To identifie tolerances of shapes and dimensions and other characteristics of the products that are to be manufactured, analyzing and interpreting the technical information contained in the manufacturing plans. To Make sketches of tools and tools for the execution of the processes, defining the constructive solutions in each case. To select the machining material, recognizing the properties of the materials and relating them to the technical specifications of the piece to be constructed. To control dimensions, geometries and surfaces of products, comparing the measurements with the specifications of the product. To Apply techniques of manual machining, relating the procedures with the product to be obtained. To operates chip starter machines, relating its operation to the process conditions and characteristics of the final product. To fulfill the regulations for the prevention of occupational hazards and environmental protection, identifying the associated risks and measures and equipment to prevent them. 
This course consist is composed by two submodules: 1. Manufacturing Techniques. 2. Joining and assembly techniques.
In the first module we have the follwing structure:
1) Determination of shapes and dimensions represented in manufacturing plans.
Interpretation of manufacturing plans. 
Industrial drawing standards.
Structure and organization of plans.
Assembly drawings and parts.
Standardized scales.
Graphic representation systems.
Dynirics ystem.
Isometric system.
Cavalier perspective.
View representation systems.
Procedure for obtaining views.
Procedure for obtaining  cuts and sections.
2) Identification of dimensional and shape tolerances.
Normalization. Concept.
Basic notions about norms: ISO, EN y UNE.
Interpretation  of the symbols used in manufaturing plans. 
Dimension: norms, elements and processes of dimension. 
Representation of dimensional, geometric and surface tolerances. 
Representation of elements of union.
Representation of materials.
Representación of thermal, thermo chemical and electro chemical treatments. 
Representation of standardized forms (keys, threads, guides, welds and others).
3) Realization of tolos sketch. 
Definition of  freehand scribing.
Freehand scribing techniques.
Scribing process.
Obtaining views from models.
Freehand sketching of constructive tool solutions and tools for manufacturing processes.
Rules of order and cleanliness in the execution of the sketch. 
4) Selection of machining materials. 
Atomic structure of matter. Link types: ionic, covalent and metallic. 
Identification of raw materials for machining. 
Materials: metallic, polymeric and ceramic.
Metallic alloys: Crystalline structure. Crystallization process.
Cooling curve. Phase rule.
Thermal and thermochemical treatment. Basis. Execution process.
Mechanical properties of materials.
Standardization of materials: metallic, polymeric and ceramic.
Commercial forms of materials.
Characteristics of materials.
Materials and their machining conditions. 
Risks in the machining and handling of certain materials  (explosion, toxicity, environmental pollution, among others).
Environmental influence of the type of material selected.
Advantages and problems concerning the cost reduction. 
Advantages and problems concerning the reduction of waste material. 
5) Dimensional verification:
5.1. Measurement, comparison and verification processes:
. Direct and indirect measurement. 
. Uncertainty associated with the measure.
. Tolerance system.
. Measurement procedures.
5.2 Dimensional and geometric measurement:
. Direct measurement instruments and equipment.
. Measurement techniques.
. Operating principle.
. Calculation of measures.
. Measurement of lengths, angles, cones, threads and gears.
. Data collection tabs.
. Interpretation of results. 
5.3 Surface dimensional measurement:
. Roughness concept.
. Operating prnciple of the rugosimeter.
. Data collection tabs.
. Measurement process.
. Interpretation of results.
6) Aplication of manual mechanization techniques:
6.1.- Characteristics and types of tools:
. Tools used in the machining.
. Characteristics.
. Types and  y applications.
. Operational techniques. 
6.2.- Rules of use and conservation of manual machining tools.
– Rules of use:
. Compliance and application.
. Importance of a right use of the used tools. Correct forms of use.
6.3. Identification of the most used tools in the workshop:
. Most used types of tools. Identification,  applications and characteristics. 
Standards of use and conservation.
. Types of tools used in the workshop. Identification, applications and characteristics.
6.4.Manual machining operations.
. Liming. Types of limes. Characteristic and applications. 
. Chiselling. Types of chisels. Characteristics and applications.
. Boring: types of drills and drill bits.. Characteristics and applications. Manufacturing materials. Types of drilling machines. Characteristics and applications. Typres of drill bits. Characteristics.
. Reaming. Reamers. Types. Characteristics and applications.
. Screwing: types of threads. Characteristics.Operational techniques. Types of n-male adapters. . Characteristics. Manuals. Types of dies.
. Riveting: characteristics and applications. Types riveted. Operational techniques.
. Punching. Types. Characteristics and applications.
. Chamfering: Types of chamfers. Applications. Embodiments.Used tools.
7) Machining with machine tools:
7.1. Relationship between machining operations by chip removal and the machines used.
7.2 .Structure and constituent elements of the used machines.
7.3. Movements and typical works of the machine tools. 
7.4 Working of the machine tools by chip removal. 
7.5 .Risks in the handling of machines and equipment for machining by chip removal. 
7.6 .Machining operations:
. The phenomenon of chip formation in metallic materials.
. Defects in chip formation. 
. Operational techniques of chip removal: turning, drilling, sawing and milling.
. Control and verification  of the characteristics of the pieces (dimensional, geometric and surface). Tool wear control.
. Use of verification and control tools.
. Correction of deviations.
7.7 .Orderly and methodical attitude in the accomplishment of tasks. 
8) Prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection.
Identification of risks. 
Determination of preventive measures for occupational risks. 
Prevention of occupational hazards in machining operations by chip removal.
Physical factors of the work environment. Chemical factors of the work environment.
Security systems applied to the machines used for machining by chip removal.
Individual protection equipment
Accomplishment of the working risk prevention norm.
Compliance of environmental protection.
Rules of order and cleanliness during the process phases.
In the second module we ave the following structure:
1) Determination of processes in assembly and union operations:
1.1 Materials . Properties.
1.2 Symbology.
1.3 Views, cuts and sections.
1.4 Constructive forms of components.
1.5 Tracing procedures : phases and processes. 
1.6 Machinery and work tool.
1.7 Joining and assembly processes.
1.8 Process sheets. Structure and organization of information.
1.9 Application software.
2)Identification of materials:
2.1 Properties of the metallic materials. 
2.2 Metallic alloys:
. Crystalline structure.
. Crystallization process.
. Cooling curve. 
. Phases rule.
2.3 Properties and classification of plastic materials. 
2.4 Outdoor facilities (corrosion and oxidation).
2.5 Identification and treatment of material protection techniques.
2.6 Treatment of materials:
. Thermal.
. Thermo chemical.
2.7 Standardization of materials: metallic, polymeric and ceramic.
2.8 Superficial treatments: anodizing, chroming, cementing.
3) Equipment and forming tools:
3.1 Cutting and forming equipment:
. Structure and constituent elements of machines.
. Movements and typical works of tool-machines.
3.2 Tolerance calculation for bending.
3.3 Measurement and comparison instruments.
3.4 Marking tooling.
3.5 Sheet metal cutting tools.
3.6 Bending tools.
3.7 Tracing and forming operations.
3.8 Cutting and folding.
3.9 Tools and cutting equipment, curving of tubes.
3.10 Prevention of occupational risks.
4) Execution of non-welded joints:
4.1Non welded-joints and types of materials.
4.2Types of operations: riveting, gluing, screwing and others.
4.3 Sequence of operations.
4.4 Choice and management of tools.
4.5 Preparation of areas of joining.
4.6 Application of security measures.
4.7 Respect for the standard use and quality in the process.
5) Preparation of the joining areas:
5.1 Classification of joints.
5.2 Preparation of edges.
5.3 Application of anticorrosive.
5.4 Marking and mounting of reinforcements.
5.5 Fixing of the pieces to be welded.
5.6 Control of gaps and verification of the recovery of dimensional and geometric shapes. 
6) Preparation of soft, oxyacetylen and electric welding equipment:
6.1 Symbolic representation of the different types of welding.
6.2 Set-up of equipment for welding processes.
6.3 Adjustment of parameters of the equipment depending on the base material.
6.4 Gases and materials of contribution and projection.
6.5 Calculation of preheating temperatures.
6.6 Prevention of occupational hazards in welding operations. 
7) Operations with soft, oxyacetylenic and electrical welding equipment:
7.1 Contribution materials based on the base material.
7.2  Processes and techniques of welding with electric welding with coated electrode.
7.3 Edge profiling.
7.4 Welding processes and techniques with MIG / MAG welding.
7.5 Welding processes and techniques with oxyacetylene welding.
7.6 Characteristics of the welds.
7.7 Defects in welding processes. Location.
7.8 Use of individual protection equipment.
7.9 Security systems applied to welding machines.
8) Prevention of occupational risks and environmental protection:
8.1  Prevention of occupational hazards in welding and projection operations.
8.2 Physical and chemical factors of the work environment.
8.3 Security systems applied to welding and projection machines.
8.4 Use of individual protection equipment.
8.5 Environmental protection regulations.
8.6 Assessment of order and cleanliness in the execution of tasks.


مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
Rosa Boix Moratal
لائحة دروس الفيديو
    •  درس رقم 4: Common didactic materials