Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Bachelor Degree - Mechatronics and metallurgical VET for the sectors’industries - MEMEVET

Soft skills

CFU: 10
لغة المحتوى:إنجليزي
وصف المادة
Knowledge about communication is as to spread the ideas across as actively listening to other people’s thoughts and taking them on board as well. People are more likely to listen to you if you've shown them the same courtesy. To communicate effectively in the workplace, you need to be able to present your information clearly. Presentation skills doesn’t just mean knowing how to put a good set of powerpoint slides together, it means engaging and connecting with an audience to get your message across. As well as being able to decide what information is important and how to present it, a good communicator is able to tailor that information to suit their audience. One wouldn't use the same language in an informal meeting with close colleagues as one would to present the same information to a group of external clients, for example.
The knowledge of innovation leadership involves concept of innovation which includes three different stages, which are all dynamic and iterative (constant): idea generation; evaluation; implementation
There are two types of innovation: exploratory innovation, which involves generating brand new ideas, and value-added innovation, which involves modifying and improving ideas that already exist.  Ideas generated must be useful to be considered innovative. Innovation should also not be confused with creativity, which is merely the generation of a novel idea that may not necessarily be put into operation. Innovation leadership is a complex concept, as there is no single explanation or formula for a leader to follow to increase innovation. As a result, innovation leadership encompasses a variety of different activities, actions, and behaviors that interact to produce an innovative outcome.
المتطلبات المُسبقة

أهداف المادة
The objectives of the course are: define theoretical and practical instruments get acquainted how to communicate with customers, colleagues using the modern communication methodologies. Define methods to get acquainted how successfully present themselves, company products and company achievements to interviewers, customers and public. 
The course must produce methods and activities to get acquainted with philosophy and technique that combines different leadership styles to influence employees to produce creative ideas, products, and services, and get acquainted how to think innovatively with new technologies and processes for organizations in order to ensure continued success and stay competitive on the market.

This course consist of 8 lessons and the structure is composed by two submodules: 1. Communication and Presentation. 2. Innovation Leadership.

In the first module we want to teach how we can to improve communication skills, how methodologies to develop a communication plan: preparation, delivery, follow-up activities. Communication methods: Listening skills; Presentation skills; Writing technical reports; Writing a professional text.

In the second module we want to define methodologies to improve innovation leadership through: initiatives, drive and enthusiasm for improving projects and methods used; creativity; business awareness; problem-solving ability to deal with manufacturing or technical issues; attention to detail to interpret design requirements and produce reports.



مشرف / أستاذ المسؤول عن المادة
Lubomir Dimitrov
لائحة دروس الفيديو