Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health

البريد الإلكتروني:
قطاع التأهيل والتخصص العلمي:
السنة الدراسية
مشرف / أستاذ
ماستر المستوى الأول المسار التعليمي المقرر الدرجات
إدارة الصحة Health Management Anthropology and sociology of Health and Medical Care (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Anthropology and sociology of Health and Medical Care (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Decision Making, Planning and Leadership (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Decision Making, Planning and Leadership (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Ethical, Cultural and Behavioural Aspects of Health (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Financial and Economic Management of Health Organisations (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Financial and Economic Management of Health Organisations (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Human Resources Management and Health Organisations (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Human Resources Management and Health Organisations (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Information Technology in Health Systems (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Information Technology in Health Systems (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Management of Health Organisations (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Management of Health Organisations (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management National Health Systems and Health Policy (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management National Health Systems and Health Policy (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Principles of Health Management (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Principles of Health Management (en) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Socioeconomic Research in Health Services (el) 0
إدارة الصحة Health Management Socioeconomic Research in Health Services (en) 0
العنوان والمؤلفينمعلوماتالسنة
A granular micromechanic based model for the characterization of Ultra High Performance FiberReinforced Concrete (UHP FRC)
4.2 Abstract in Atti di convegno 2024
An implicit computational approach in strain-gradient brittle fracture analysis
1.1 Articolo in rivista 2024
La valutazione negli interventi per l'accoglienza dei migranti. Il progetto «MOlise Verso l'InTegrazione»
3.1 Monografia o trattato scientifico 2024
On the road to sustainability: The role of board characteristics in driving ESG performance in Africa
1.1 Articolo in rivista 2024
An approximation to Appell’s hypergeometric function F2 by branched continued fraction
1.1 Articolo in rivista 2024