Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

ماجستير في القانون والسياسات الأوروبية (السنة الدراسية 2012/2013)

Demos/Ethnos and the Constituent Process

درس فيديو

درس رقم 1: Europe and the Constitutional Process
   Identity and European Constitution

   Europe and the Constitutional Process


   Words and Things

   Constitutional Treaty and its words

   The Importance of Words when embodied

   1999:Council of Europe's Decision

   The political and Cultural Foundation

   Fundamental Rights

   Giving Oneself a Constitution

   The Greek Name of Constitution

   Constitution in the Kantian foundation

   Reflexivity and Normativity

   Constitution as a Process and as a Procedure

   The Constitution adn its "time"

   Polisemy of "time"

   History and the Project

إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 2: Does Europe Need a Costitution?
   Introduction of the Questions

   Historical Times of a Constitution

   The vocation for a Constitution

   Several Dimensions of the Political Community

   Who shares and what is shared? - Community

   Model of Constitution

   Positive and Negative approaches

   Braucht Europa eine Verfassung?

   There is no "Volk"

   Constitution as a process of "double institutionalization"

   Constitution as a simple legal layout

   A double thread

   The reason why a Constitution is increasingly a necessity

   The idea of political community and constitution are changing

   Being together as Europeans

   Public sphere according to Habermas

   Constitution as a place of shared communication
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 3: Constituent Power
   Introduction: Constituent Power

   Constitution as a narrative and literary textum

   Lexicon and words used in the Constitutions


   State, people, sovereignty

   Constitution with or without a State?

   Pouvoir constituant

   A Constitution without enemies

   Relative autonomy of the European Constitution
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 4: Demos-Ethnos
   The plural grammars

   Olistic dimention

   People as Ethnos

   People as Demos

   The long history of the category of Demos
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 5: People/Constitution
   Constitutionalisation and Juridification

   The "foundation"of the Costitution

   No people no Costitution

   No people without Costitution
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 6: Between and Beyond
   Costitutional treaty:an amphibious formula

   An apparent paradox

   A liquid anxiety about nationalisms

   Never again of violence
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 7: Identity of Europe
   A Costitution of the identity

   When the identity becomes right

   An invisible empty space
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 8: The Thought of Roots
   A Costitution of the identity

   Whwn the identity becomes right

   An invisible empty space
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 9: Identity Written on a Charter
   A Costitution of the identity

   Whwn the identity becomes right

   An invisible empty space
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 10: After Sovereighty
   Being on borders

   Some paradigms


   The language of sovereignty and its rules

   Experimentum Europae
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Eligio Resta
درس رقم 11: European Democracy
   Outline of the lesson

   Democratic Principles (Treaty of Lisbon)

   Provisions on democratic principles (art. 8-12 Treaty)

   Art. 9 Lisbon Treaty - Direct and indirect repres. democracy

   The role of the European Parliament

   New Powers of the EP under the Lisbon Treaty

   Article 289 TFEU

   Article 17 para 7 TEU (Commission’s appointment procedure)

   The EU Council and accountability of national governments

   National and EU Political Parties

   National Parliaments under TEU (art. 12)

   Representative and other forms of democracy

   The crisis of the Eurozone

   EU, EMU, and crisis of the Eurozone

   Do Lisbon Treaty provisions need to be amended?
إذهب إلى درس الفيديو Cesare Pinelli