Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

ماجستير في القانون والسياسات الأوروبية (السنة الدراسية 2012/2013)

The Economics of European Integration


درس رقم 1: The Economics of European Integration
   Organization for European Economie Coperation (OEEC)

   The European Payments Union

   Schuman Plan: Declaration of 9 May 1950

   European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM)

   Euuropean Economic Community (EEC)

   White Paper for the Internal Morket

   Treaty of Maastricht on European Union

   The Council of European Union

   European Council

   European Commission

   European Parliament

   Court of Justice
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Kiril Ribarov
درس رقم 2: Microeconomics


   Consumer and Producers Surplus

   Import Supply and Demand

   Welfare analysis of Import S&D

   Trade volume and border price effect

   MD-MS and open economy S&D

   Distributional consequences

   Some final notes

إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Kiril Ribarov
درس رقم 3: Common Agricultural Policy
   Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)

   Price floors

   Farm sizes

   Supply Problems

   Farm income problems

   CAP Reforms

   Mac Sharry Reform about CAP

   CAP and Eastern Enlargement

إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Kiril Ribarov
درس رقم 4: Locations Effects
   European Regions and Geography

   Income Inequality

   Geographic specialization


   EE-KK diagram

   EU Regional Policy

Kiril Ribarov
درس رقم 5: Monetary Integration
   Background of European Monetary System

   One or more currency?

   Monetary Union

   The 5 criteria for the admission to the monetary union

   Labor Mobility

   Two-spedd Europe

إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Kiril Ribarov
درس رقم 6: The Economis Crisis: from the United States to Europe - Part I
   Economic crisis factors

   Technological transformation

   Geographic transformation

   Labour costs

   Social polarization

   Financial services and productive sectors’ reorganization

   A diversified development

   The origin of the crisis

   Imprudence of banking system

   Rating societies

   The role of monetary policy

   The collapse of Leman Brothers Holdings

   The re-examination of laissez-faire theory
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Romano Prodi
درس رقم 7: The Economis Crisis: from the United States to Europe - Part II
   The development of the economic crisis

   The collapse of the laissez-faire theory

   The Banks’ role

   The Financial market features

   The Tobin Tax

   Market’s regulation at global level

   Geo-political setting

   The unemployment

   The crisis of democracy

   The widespread of crisis from USA to Europe

   European weakness based on division

   Eurobond: Prodi – Quadri Curzio proposal

   New social awareness

   Solutions to the crisis
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Romano Prodi