Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

العمليات المعرفية والتقنيات (السنة الدراسية 2014/2015) - Processi Cognitivi e Tecnologie (ad esaurimento)

Psicologia dello sviluppo e tecnologie


درس رقم 1: Pre-natal and post-natal development (Part I)
   Stages of pre-natal development

   What can go wrong

   Developmental disabilities
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس William Fabricius
درس رقم 2: Pre-natal and post-natal development (Part II)
   Prospective studies

   Organismic models

   Prospective studies in organismic models
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس William Fabricius
درس رقم 3: Pre-natal and post-natal development (Part III)
   Factors that can influence child development

   Other factors

إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس William Fabricius
درس رقم 4: Perceptual development (Part I)
   How perception of depth works

   The Gibsoninan view

   Invariant property and affordance
William Fabricius
درس رقم 5: Perceptual development (Part II)
   Are senses integrated or independent at birth

   Methods of perception

   Looking and reaching

   Looking and listening

   Looking and touching
William Fabricius
درس رقم 6: Perceptual development (Part III)
   Infant depth perception

   Objects behind other objects

   Moving the body through space

   Visual proprioception

   The visual cliff

   Summing up
William Fabricius
درس رقم 7: Language development (Part I)
   Four aspects of language

   The meanings of words

   The classical idea

   The modern idea

   How the children learn the meanings of words
William Fabricius
درس رقم 8: Language development (Part II)
   Semantic features hypothesis and its problems

   The current view: the prototype theory

   The rules for sentences
William Fabricius
درس رقم 9: Language development (Part III)
   The rules for sentences (continued)

   How do children lear the rules to make sentences

   Surface and deep Structure of a sentence
William Fabricius
درس رقم 10: Moral development (Part I)
   Components of moral behavior

   Component 1: Interpretation

   Component 2: knowledge
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس William Fabricius
درس رقم 11: Moral development (Part II)
   Component 2: knowledge (conitnued)

   Moral reasoning, relativism and formal operations
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس William Fabricius
درس رقم 12: Social-emotional development: attachment (Part I)
   Freudian theory

   Learning theory

   Bowlby's theory
William Fabricius
درس رقم 13: Una scienza robotica degli esseri umani
   Limiti delle teorie in psicologia

   Cos'è un roboto

   Robot umani e robot umanoidi
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Domenico Parisi
درس رقم 14: Robot che imparano
   Imparare a distinguere le cose buone dalle cose cattive

   Attaccamento alla madre

   Imparare imitando gli altri
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Domenico Parisi
درس رقم 15: Robot che imparano a parlare
   Imparare a rispondere ai comandi vocali

   Imparare a rispondere ai comandi verbali formati da una sola parola

   Imparare a rispondere ai comandi verbali formati da più parole

   Imparare a categorizzare gli oggetti usando il linguaggio
إذهب إلى شرائح الدرس Domenico Parisi