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Coriano (Italy), the 24th February 2017 – From this day they are doctors in Psychology: six youths, who followed a rehabilitation path at San Patrignano Community and decided to stop there to offer their help to other young people, were awarded, for the first time, a three-year degree by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. The graduation sessions and proclamation took place today, at the Community’s site, in the presence of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, University and Research, Gabriele Toccafondi; of UNINETTUNO’s rector, Maria Amata Garito, and of the co-founder of the Fondazione San Patrignano, Letizia Moratti.
“Aprender, emprender, prosperar”: learning, undertaking, thriving. These are the words that sum up the spirit and aim of the agreement signed today between the National Council of the Universities of Nicaragua (CNU) and the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, represented respectively by the Minister of the President of the Republic of Nicaragua, Francisco Telémaco Talavera Siles heading the CNU and by the Rector of UNINETTUNO, Maria Amata Garito.