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The UNINETTUNO University launches the initiative "L''Italia che legge (The Italy that reads)" jointly with the publishing houses, Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli Illustrati


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Rome, the 11th May  - Book presentations just a click away to support the publishing industry and promote reading in this emergency times: this is how the idea of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO and of the publishing houses, Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer, Mondadori Electa and Rizzoli Illustrati, named as “L’Italia che legge (The Italy that reads)” was born.

From novels to essays, from cartoons to illustrated books: a parade of literary genres and authors that, thanks to a video of a few minutes, present, “at distance” their own book to keep alive their relationship with the readers.

The video presentations will be broadcast based on weekly schedule and will be accessible also on demand on the University’s and involved publishing houses’ social networks on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn, on the portal Errore. Riferimento a collegamento ipertestuale non valido. and www.uninettunouniversity.net of UNINETTUNO and on UNINETTUNO.TV at the link: https://tinyurl.com/yajlerar.

Actually, the initiative is part of the wider project, #IOSTUDIOACASACONUNINETTUNO (#ISTUDYATHOMEWITHUNINETTUNO), by which the University made available for free its own e-Learning platform to the students, lecturers and to all citizens offering free access also to a selection of academic video lessons realized by UNINETTUNO’s lecturers, selected among the best ones of the traditional universities across the world and divided by Faculty (Cultural Heritage, Communication Sciences, Economics, Law and Psychology), with a focus on the challenges of technological innovation and of the globalized society and to accompany the Country throughout this emergency period.

In this historical times in which the publishing market must re-invent itself and face new challenges, the project aims at remaining vigilant on this question and at promoting the book releases that were put a disadvantage by the bookshops’ shutdown.

Many are the writers involved: Andrea Concas, Nicola Brunialti, Cristina S. Fantini, Francesco Fioretti, Daniela Galliano, Guido Marangoni, Massimo Polidoro and many, many others.

Andrea Concas, founder and CEO of the art start-up, Art Backers and of Art Rights and conceiver of ArteConcasBOT, the first ChatBOT of the art world, author of Professione Arte, (Mondadori Electa), a guidebook to explore the whole Art System; Nicola Brunialti, TV author, will present Il paradiso alla fine del mondo (Sperling & Kupfer), a novel that speaks about immigration, however from the totally reversed perspective; Cristina S. Fantini, with her Nel nome della pietra (Piemme), a novel that celebrates the greatness Milan’s Duomo Cathedral, one of the symbols of our civilization, through the lives of the powerful people who strongly wanted it and of those who, thanks to the genius and work, made it rise from scratch; Francesco Fioretti, a Dante scholar, with his Raffaello. La verità perduta (Piemme), one of the most awaited books of the year in which falls the 500 Years Anniversary since the death of this great artist of the Renaissance; Daniela Galliano, doctor specialized in gynecology, obstetrics and reproductive medicine, author of Quanto ti vorrei. Come la scienza medica ti aiuta ad avere un figlio (Piemme), a compass to orient oneself among false myths about sterility and that tells us about the various ways of living parenthood; Guido Marangoni, author of Come stelle portate dal vento, (Sperling & Kupfer), through the story of his baby girl, Anna (with Down syndrome), and of his family, collected, in this book, many stories of life, failures and restarts, fears and resiliency; Massimo Polidoro, journalist and national secretary of CICAP, Il Mondo Sottosopra (Piemme), an essay that clarifies the world of fake news and of conspiracy theories.