Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2014/2015)

Physics I

Πιστώσεις: 5
Γλώσσα περιεχομένου:Αγγλικά
Περιγραφή μαθήματος
Aim of the course is to gives to the student the fundamentals of Mechanics and Thermodynamics, together with the ability to apply analytical models to related concrete problems.
Differential and integral calculus for multiple variable functions and vector calculus.
To build the student’s capacity to deal with problems related to the description of motion of a particle (Kinematics).

To give the student the tools to correlate the motion with its causes (Dynamics), to derive the relevant physical quantities associated with motion.

To build the student’s capacity to use the principles of kinematics and dynamics to analyze the motion of systems of particles and rigid bodies.

To equip the student with the basic principles of fluid mechanic relevant to the analysis of the flow of fluids.

To build the student’s capacity to analyze thermodynamic processes and apply the principles of thermodynamics to real world systems.
Units, Physical Quantities, and Vectors

Units and Standards
  • Base Units
    • Derived Units
    • The International System (SI)
    • Unit Prefixes
    • Unit consistency
    Vector Analysis
    • Addition of Vectors
    • Graphical Method
    • Analytical Method
    • Multiplying Vectors
    • Multiplying a Vector by a Scalar
    • Scalar Product of Two Vectors (Dot Product)
    • The Vector Product (Cross Product)
    Motion Along a Straight Line
    • Position and Displacement
    • Average Velocity
    • Instantaneous Velocity
    • Speed
    • Acceleration
    • Equations of Motion: Constant Acceleration
    • Free-Fall Acceleration
    Motion in Two or Three Dimensions
    • Position and Displacement
    • Velocity
    • Acceleration
    • Projectile Motion
    • The Equation of the Path
    • The Maximum Height of a Projectile
    • The Range of a Projectile
    Force and Newton’s Laws of Motion
    • Force
    • Mass
    • Newton’s Laws of Motion
    • Newton’s First Law of Motion
    • Newton’s Second Law
    • Newton’s Third Law
    • Applying Newton’s Laws
    • Friction
    • Dynamics of Circular Motion
    Work and Energy
    • Kinetic Energy
    • Work
    • Work Done by a Constant Force
    • Work Done by a Variable Force
    • Kinetic Energy-Work Theorem
    • Power
    Potential Energy and Energy Conservation
    • Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
    • Potential Energy
    • Conservation of Mechanical Energy
    • Work Done by Non-Conservative Forces
    • Conservation of Total Energy
    The Center of Mass
    • Systems of Particles
    • Rigid Bodies
    • Symmetry Considerations
    Newton’s Second Law

    Linear Momentum

    • Impulse
    • Conservation of Momentum
    • Elastic Collisions in One Dimension
    • Relative Velocities
    • Center of Mass Velocity
    • Inelastic Collisions in One Dimension
    • Completely Inelastic Collisions
    • Collisions in Two Dimensions
  • Kinematics of a Rigid Body
    • Angular Position
    • Angular displacement and Angular Velocity
    • Angular Acceleration
    • Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
    • Relations Between Linear and Angular Variables
    • Kinetic Energy of Rotation
    • Moment of Inertia
    • Parallel Axis Theorem
    Dynamics of a Rigid Body
    • Torque
    • Newton’s Second Law of Rotation
    • Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy
    • Angular Momentum
    • Newton’s Second Law
    • Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotating About a Fixed Axis
    • Conservation of Angular Momentum

    Density and Pressure
    Fluids at Rest
    Measuring Pressure
    • The Mercury Barometer
    • The Open Tube Manometer
    Pascal’s Principle
    Archimedes’ Principle
    Ideal Fluid in Motion
    • The Equation of Continuity
    • Bernoulli’s Equation
    Thermodynamic Systems and Transformations
    • Temperature and Heat
    • Thermal Equilibrium
    • Heat Capacity and Specific Heat
    • Heat of Transformation
    • Heat and Work
    • The First Law of Thermodynamics
    • Thermodynamic Processes
    • Types of Thermodynamic Processes
    Ideal Gas Equation
    • Isothermal Expansion of An Ideal Gas
    • Internal Energy
    • Molar Specific Heats of an Ideal Gas
    • Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas
    • Free Expansion
    Principles of Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
    • Entropy
    • The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    • Heat Engines
    • Carnot Engine
    • Refrigerators
    • Fundamental of Physics, D. Halliday, J. Walker, R. Resnick, Wiley 2007
    • Physics, M. Alonso, E.J. Finn, H. Anton, Pearson-Prentice Hall, 1992
    Βοηθός/Καθηγητή Περιοχή Καθηγητή
    Ο καθηγητής δεν είναι διαθέσιμος
    Λίστα μαγνητοσκοπημένων παραδόσεων
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
    Sami Mahmood
        •  Μάθημα αρ. 27: Didactic materials related to the entire course