Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Ingegneria civile e ambientale (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2019/2020) - Strutture e infrastrutture

Economia e gestione d'impresa

Πιστώσεις: 6
Γλώσσα περιεχομένου:Ιταλικά
Περιγραφή μαθήματος
The course in Economics for Engineering focuses on very general topics regarding economics.
Calculus I
The aim of the course of Economics for Engineering is to teach the students about general themes of economics regarding microeconomics and macroeconomics.
The course deals with the main topics of macroeconomics. The market is presented in its general aspects. The market equilibrium and some theorems modelling the equilibrium are reported. The different forms of market are presented in their distinctive features. The welfare and the relations between labour and unemployment and inflation and unemployment are considered. Foreign trade is introduced. Some microeconomics topics are addressed such as the production, classification of costs for a firm and its competitiveness.
As a support of the course you can find an e-book concerning topics related to the principles of Economics dealt in the course. The e-book title is “Economics for Engineering” edited McGraw Hill and Uninettuno University Press. You can find the link to the book on the homepage of the Telematic International University Uninettuno or accessing the following link
Βοηθός/Καθηγητή Περιοχή Καθηγητή
Marta Flamini
Λίστα μαγνητοσκοπημένων παραδόσεων
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi
Piercarlo Ravazzi