Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - [WEB-08-07-159-P]

Economia e gestione delle imprese (Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2017/2018) - Financial management

Risk management

Πιστώσεις: 9
Γλώσσα περιεχομένου:Αγγλικά
Περιγραφή μαθήματος

The course of Risk Management aims to provide students the basic instruments to understand economics and business management.




The student acquire and develop skills related to the business administration and management needed to start an independent professional activity.

In details, the course is based on the following topics: Introduction to risk management, enterprise risk, financial intemediation risk, interest rate risk, market risk, credit risk, operational risk, foreign exchange risk, liquidity risk, fraud risk, options, caps, swaps, futures and forwards, securitisation, Value at risk model.


Risck, Security and Organizational Aspects - Maurizio Cavallari


The exercises will be loaded in correspondence of the lessons and they have no value for the purpose of admission to the examination and should not be delivered to the tutor. Instead, the exercises have the objective of verifying what are the shortcomings of the student throughout the study of a particular subject. Once identified the gaps to be bridged, the student can contact the tutor who will implement training programs through virtual classrooms, chat and forums, in order to improve the student’s preparation.

Περιοχή Καθηγητή
Maurizio Cavallari
Λίστα μαγνητοσκοπημένων παραδόσεων
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari
Maurizio Cavallari