Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Dear Student,

Welcome to the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO.

I trust that your path towards a learning and professional growth will prove an engaging and enjoyable experience that will be enriched, day by day, with new inputs to gain new knowledge. Since its birth, the aim of our University has been that of facilitating the access to knowledge for all citizens across the world, without space or time limits.

Thanks to digital development and to many interdisciplinary and international research projects, we built a new psycho-pedagogic model that you will find in the area named as “Didactic Cyberspace”. Here you will find your own student’s page to plan all your training activities, all the videolessons of the various disciplines of your degree course, realized by the best lecturers of a number of Italian and foreign universities and that were digitalized and indexed by issue and connected, in a multimedia and hypertextual way, to books, texts, lecture notes, webographies, bibliographical references, multimedia materials, slides, interactive exercises, virtual laboratories.

Along your learning process you will be never left alone; for each subject, a professor/tutor will support you through discussion forums on the subject, interactive classrooms and tridimensional classrooms in UNINETTUNO’s Island of Knowledge on Second Life, helping you develop constructive and collaborative learning processes.

It will you, thanks to our University, who will become an active constructor of new knowledge.

I hope that this new journey into the world of knowledge helps you build a bright future.

Good study.

The Rector
Maria Amata Garito