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Rome – Two experts - Beniamino Caravita di Toritto and Valerio Onida – the moderator, a real audience (over 100 participants) and virtual audience (over 500 people wired to UNINETTUNO platform watching the event on live streaming) many questions arriving from the audience in the hall and from students watching it live and posting with their Tweets. These are the figures of the event, chaired by the rector of UNINETTUNO University, Maria Amata Garito, that took place in Rome, at UNINETTUNO Multimedia Center (Piazza Grazioli, 17), devoted to the theme: “Constitutional Referendum – The Reasons for Yes and for No”, with which the University launches a cycle of conferences based on a format which allows for a true democratic participation to debates using the biggest arena humankind has ever known: the Internet’s virtual arena.