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Workers in the tourism industry will be able to access – with discounted fees – online training courses on the portal of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO: this is what has been established by the agreement signed between the e-learning leading Italian University and Federturismo Confindustria, which represents the entire production chain of the Italian tourism industry.

This agreement offers all workers in the tourism industry, no matter what their professional profile is, an opportunity for vocational training and retraining. Actually, UNINETTUNO University makes available its full educational offer (three-year and second-cycle degrees, post-graduate master’s courses, retraining courses etc.) to improve and enhance their professional skills in this field.

Many are the options they can benefit from: a three-year degree in Economics and Business Management, including a path in Culture, Tourism, Territory and Corporate Value or a path in Business Management; the Master’s Course in International Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management, besides all other degree and master’s courses included in UNINETTUNO educational offer, delivered in Italian and in English as well.
That of tourism is an industry which has strong impact on the national economy: according to data supplied by the WTTC - Travel & Tourism Economic Impact 2016 Italy, in 2015 the Italian tourism had a 10.2% impact on GDP and assures job opportunities for over 2,600,000 people, with a 11,6% impact on the whole national jobs. These are the significant figures which are at the basis of the considerations made by UNINETTUNO and Ferderturismo: bidding on quality in an industry that, by itself, may enhance the whole Country-System.

Actually, other joint vocational training activities exploiting the e-learning model realized and adopted by UNINETTUNO and that may expressly be implemented for the tourism industry, including the launch of an international Master’s Course, in which it will be possible to enroll people from anywhere across the world, following lessons on UNINETTUNO’s online learning platform, are under consideration. Spreading and teaching the Italian best practices in the tourism industry will be the main objective of this Master’s Course.


Press Office:

Emilia Gridà Cucco Gangi
International Telematic University UNINETTUNO
mobile: +39 347 1934580

Barbara Ongaro
Federturismo Confindustria
mobile:+39 366 5856684