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Digital Talks: "The Challenges of Journalism 4.0"


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Journalism 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities

Five eminent journalist will speak about it at UNINETTUNO Digital Talks



Rome, the 24th May 2018 – Journalism is not dead, “on the contrary, never before it has been so important and strong”. It is with these words that the Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, Maria Amata Garito, that the event on the “Internet: The Challenges of Journalism 4.0”, that took place today in Rome in the framework of the “Digital Talks” cycle, designed by UNINETTUNO to reflect on the changes that the Digital Innovation is bringing about to our society, opened.

Fake News, crisis and revival of the printed press, communication at Pope Francis’ times, the media economic model: these are only a few of the topics discussed by Lucia Annunziata, director of “The Huffington Post Italy”, by the columnist of the “Corriere della Sera”, Maurizio Caprara, and the expert of Vatican affairs of “Il Fatto Quotidiano”, Marco Politi, “The Times” correspondent, Philip Willan, being moderated by Maarten van Aalderen, correspondent of “De Telegraaf” and vice president of the Association of the Foreign Press.

The first hint came from the experience of “The Huffington Post”: “In the Web - Lucia Annunziata explained – you can find everything. You can become somebody, only if your voice is capable of penetrating the background noise that permanently shakes the Web. Only this way, you can win the challenge”. A fair blend between the Web and good journalism, according to Annunziata, can result into a what she defined as “turbo-journalism” since “the matching between reliable journalism and the Web as a tool is very exciting”.

Specific hints on how to preserve the journalist’s function comes from Caprara: “In the information tsunami by which were overcome every day, the journalist has to play the role of a guide among the waves and supply appropriate tools to make us understand how the world goes on”. And not only that: Caprara emphasized how it is important for a journalist to study and never stop keeping always up-to-date.

An example of a good communicator is, certainly, Pope Francis: “Escape from the ghetto of self-referential thinking” is, according to Marco Politi, one of the most important teachings of the Pope who, in many occasions, warned journalists against the risk of Fake News, an issue to which, Politi reminded, was devoted, not by accident, the 52nd World Day of Social Communications.

Closing UNINETTUNO Digital Talks, the speech of the British journalist, Philip Willan, who attracted the attention on the need to identify a winning business model for online media.