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The University goes into the company: ENEL and UNINETTUNO launch the second edition of “RE-GENERATION”, digital education for over-50 employees


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  • 644 people were admitted to the first edition 
  • Thanks to this project of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, 480 are Enel employees possessing a school-leaving diploma who completed their training on the issues linked to Digital Innovation, attending the online courses based on a flexible schedule during their working time
  • The geographical distribution of the participants covered whole Italy with a higher concentration in the Latium (20%), Lombardy (10%) and Sicily (10%) regions

Rome, the 21st September 2021 – Kick-off of the second edition of “Re-Generation ENEL”, the educational project organized by Enel Italia and by the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO to offer opportunities for professional retraining and academic training to the energy company's employees on the issues related to technological innovation and digitalization. The initiative is aimed at Enel employees over 50, possessing, at least, a school-leaving diploma, who will be able to study online on the e-learning platform of the digital university, choosing their program from a selection of 13 courses collected in three scientific areas of high strategic value: Digital Economy, Law in the Digital Society, Information and Digital Technologies.

The first edition of the program was a success. There were 644 course participants who met the attendance requirement, and consequently were admitted to the exams: 54% were white-collar or blue-collar workers, 42% middle management and 4% executives, with a geographical distribution that covered all of Italy, with the highest concentration in Latium (20%), Lombardy (10%) and Sicily (10%). Among those admitted, 164 have a university degree and 480 have a school-leaving diploma: for the latter, the ENEL Re-Generation project represents therefore their first experience of study at university level. The second exam session is scheduled for next January.

“We are particularly proud of the excellent results obtained from the first edition of Re-generation and we are pleased to be able to continue to make available to a large company like Enel our know-how, our contents, our technologies and the innovative teaching methods connected to them for professional retraining in technological and digital innovation," commented Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the UNINETTUNO University. "The increase and updating of the professional skills most in demand in today's working environment must become the priority of all companies, small and large, not only to stimulate the growth of individual employee skills but also in order to improve internal work processes and, consequently, company results and performance as a whole," concluded Garito.

"This initiative - commented Raffaella Poggi D'Angelo, Head of Italy People Care and Diversity at Enel - offers people over 50 working at Enel the opportunity to enrich their experience and develop new skills in the field of digitalization, which is at the heart of the evolution of the energy sector towards a more sustainable model. The success of the initiative has encouraged us to continue on this path, which has been highly appreciated by participants and is fully in line with Enel's vision of an inclusive and participatory energy transition".

The educational proposal will take place also this year through the innovative "Short Learning Program" model developed at European level by UNINETTUNO together with EADTU - European Association of Distance Teaching Universities in the context of the ESLP project with the most important universities in Europe and the European Commission. The training credits obtained through the project can be used for enrolment in new complete training courses such as degree courses at UNINETTUNO University and in all European Universities.

The video lessons of the second edition of "Re-Generation" will be delivered by lecturers and experts from the best Italian universities, research centers and the excellence of the professional world of reference. The study will be integrated with multimedia teaching materials, virtual laboratories, online exercises and interactive classrooms accompanied by a tutor-teacher for each discipline throughout the course until the final exam.