Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Uninettuno Unimed Board


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A prestigious recognition for the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO. The General Assembly of UNIMED - Mediterranean Universities Union, held at the University of Granada, Spain, appointed UNINETTUNO to its board.

With more than 150 member universities, UNIMED represents the largest and most active association of Mediterranean Universities being recognized as a preferred representative by governments, by the European Union, by the United Nations and the UPM - Union for the Mediterranean.

UNINETTUNO is proud to be able to represent the entire community of its students and faculty with this new institutional commitment that is the result of the recognition of the internationalization activities of the University and is committed from the outset to advancing the instances of innovation of the university systems of the Mediterranean countries along the lines of what has been done since UNINETTUNO’s origins with the MEDNET'U project

The University also announced that it is going to propose actions and activities within the Association and in agreement with the governments and universities of each country, to support with its experience the development of processes and models of university teaching based on the new technologies and new models of collaboration between the various universities of the Mare Nostrum.

A primary objective will also be to foster innovation and collaboration between the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean by responding to the needs coming from universities and the student community, in particular, from North African countries.