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Starting from September the 22nd the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO makes a further step ahead in its dialogue with the students, offering them the possibility to get for free a personal e-mail account of their own through the website:

The new e-mail service will be included into the Didactic Cyberspace and will make the exchange of information and the dialogue among the University, tutors and students scattered all over the world easier.

Each account, ,will be operational along the student’s whole training path; it will dispose of 5 GB space to store messages; it will be realisable, safe and free from undesired ads.

The UTIU, International Telematic University UNINETTUNO, is the first university worldwide that has created an Internet-based learning environment, where the best professors of Italian and foreign traditional universities deliver their courses and where the students, continuously supported by professors and tutors, can study in four languages: Italian, English, French and Arabic and get a distance university degree acknowledged in Italy, Europe and the Mediterranean Countries.

On Rai Nettuno Sat 1 and 2 (that can be seen in Italy on Sky channels 822 and 823) the lectures of the various faculties are broadcast 24 hours a day.

For the 2008-2009 Academic Year 5 faculties and 8 three-year degree courses are implemented:
Engineering Faculty (Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering and Management Engineering)
Law Faculty (Legal Expert in Development and Internationalisation of Enterprises)
Economics Faculty (Economics and Business Management, Management of Tourist Enterprises)
Psychology Faculty (Psycho-social Disciplines)
Literature Faculty (Cultural Assets Operator)