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The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO-UTIU is a single great university where renowned lecturers coming from all over the world jointly contributed to create a single international pole of knowledge. A dream come true thanks to the new technologies.

The UTIU, established by the decree of the 15th April 2005 of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, takes origin from the model of NETTUNO - Network per l’Università Ovunque (operating in Italy since 1992) and from the success of the European Project MED NET’U, Mediterranean Network of University.

The 31 partners: universities, technological companies and ministries of MED NET’U coming from 11 Mediterranean countries Algeria, Egypt, France, Jordan, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey), being coordinated by NETTUNO created a true technological network based on the use of transmitting and receiving digital satellites.

At present all partners can produce, broadcast and receive educational contents by television and Internet. This technological network has been supported by a network of people, of intelligences capable to connect to each other and share their knowledge. Together they developed a virtual space for higher education and the spreading of knowledge in the Euro-Mediterranean area.

The UTIU offers the following university degree courses: the new course in Communication, Media and Advertising envisaging an important joint title with the Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione - IULM of Milan; Economics and Management of Tourist Enterprises, Economics and Business Management; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Management Engineering, Computer Engineering/Information and Communication Technologies Engineering; Operator of Cultural Assets; Legal Expert in Development and Internationalisation of Enterprises; Psychosocial Disciplines.

The UTIU offers the following Master’s courses: Master’s course in Euro-Mediterranean Cultures and Policies, Master’s course in Design Management, Master’s course in Fashion Management, Master’s course in Microcredit Management, Master’s course in Real Estate Finance, Master’s course in Administration, Finance and Auditing, Master’s course in Digital Economy Management, Master’s course in The Impact of Traumatic and/or Stressing Experiences: Prevention and Intervention Strategies, Master’s course in Clinical Psychology: Psychological Assessment and Counselling, Master of Science in Health Management.

And this is not enough: the UTIU is developing vocational retraining courses such as, for instance, courses enabling to retrain professional profiles belonging to the whole tourist sector, as well as vocational retraining courses for lawyers.

The titles delivered by the UTIU are acknowledged in Italy, in Europe and in the Mediterranean Countries.

UTIU students, of whom 50% come from foreign countries, can attend the university with no limits of space and time. Actually, with the UTIU the places where teaching is carried on are no longer only university lecture halls, but also open spaces, museums, cultural centres, work-places, students’ homes, cyber-cafés; anywhere in the world one can choose whether to study in Italian, Arabic, English or French by means of television and Internet and get a study title acknowledged in Italy, in Europe and in the Mediterranean Countries.

On, the first portal in the world where teaching and learning are carried on in 4 languages, in the didactic cyberspace, you can access the various learning environments, get digitised videolessons, linked in an multimedia and hypertextual way to books, texts, selected bibliographical references, lists of websites, exercises and virtual laboratories.

On RAI NETTUNO SAT you can follow the videolessons 24 hours a day.
In the virtual classroom and on Second Life the professors and tutors of each subject interact with the students and support their learning processes. Through forums and chats intelligences get connected to each other, knowledge is exchanged, cultures and ideas of different countries of the world confront each other in continuous stream of interrelations.

Though there is not only training, the UTIU can dispose of a team of professors and researchers who develop research activities and continuous innovations in many fields. With Project “The Treasure of the Letters” a new pedagogic model to teach, on television, to read and write Arabic to the adult illiterate population of Morocco starts from the UTIU. There are many international research projects, funded by the European Commission, that enable to develop process and product innovation.

To have an overview of the current research projects see:, research area.

The International Telematic University UNINETTUNO is for the spreading of knowledge.

“The UTIU is a new model of university that develops virtual spaces and spaces for actual meetings, it creates new a balance between unity and diversity – The unity of values and traditions that memory leaves us and the diversity of cultures and languages; it moves under open skies, with no borders, to create new knowledge, but also new values .” (Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO).



note: the press review is available on the website: