Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671


Giurisprudenza Classe LMG/01

Course specific training objectives and description of the learning path

This course is aimed at making the students acquire a deep and up-to-date knowledge of the juridical principles and rules currently in force in the basic (public/private/penal/procedural/international law) fields as well as in specialist (bankruptcy law, industrial law etc.) fields. The educational offer includes also several courses in comparative law (comparative private law, Anglo-American law, comparative public law). Additionally, in accordance with the national academic tradition and that of the main European countries, due attention is devoted also to issues of general historical-philosophical culture, deemed essential to supply the lawyer with an appropriate cultural background allowing him to face any applicative problems of the laws currently in force by adopting a critical approach. The educational offer is completed by a basic course in political economics and by a juridical computer science course. As it regards online lectures, the courses follow the educational tradition of the training system of the Italian Law Faculties presenting the contents of each discipline in a systematic way. As for the basic disciplines the general course is followed by an advanced course which deals with a general section of the program according to a monographic and deeper approach. This educational offer relies on innovative tools if compared with the traditional training system of the Italian Law Faculties and this in order to allow the student to enjoy an experience that is not exclusively based on interpreting regulatory texts, but which is also aimed at patterns of construction of juridical tools (contracts, statutes) and at approaches (for consultancy purposes) to concrete cases. The personal meetings, interactions and e-mails between tutors and students, chats, conferences and virtual classrooms are part of this scenery. The participation to these forms of dialogue between professor and student is compulsory on the student’s part and allows teachers to check the student’s learning progress and to support him along it. During 2014 academic year the educational offer has been enriched by a new tool relying on the talk-knowledge approach, proposing round tables among several participants on juridical current issues (juridical latest news, pronouncement of Italian or European higher courts). Dialogue among experts is guided by a Faculty’s professor, but it involves also the participation of external qualified experts. The training activity is structured on six-month basis and each course is delivered thrice a year. During these “delivery cycles” the student can rely on the online tutoring support and, by his inclusion into the virtual classrooms, his study activity is constantly traced. Beside the videolessons whose attendance is compulsory and checked online, the student can use all training materials that are available online and that are related to them. In addition, he can interact and exchange view with his learning community any time he deems it useful.

Expected learning results

Knowledge and understanding

The expected learning results can be focused on two main elements:

  1. complete accurate knowledge of the regulatory contents related to the different subjects studied, in principle and in details;
  2. acquisition of skills for applying the studied laws to concrete cases.

Applying knowledge and understanding

In order to achieve these results the student is required to possess, for each disciplinary course, a suitable presentation of the underlying rationale, namely the aims of the legislator in establishing the law and of the interests it is intended to protect. It is on this bases that assessments testing the student’s learning progress are structured. Thanks to the constant updating of the videolessons and the fair participation to the supplementary training activities, the second-cycle graduate will have to acquire the following professional skills:

  1. Knowledge of the techniques of analysis and interpretation of the regulatory texts;
  2. Search for appropriate information concerning the frame of reference of the concrete cases being examined by the lawyer on an extra-juridical (economic, sociological, psychological etc.) level.
  3. Search for the complete information on previous regulatory, juridical, doctrinal cases useful to provide a reference framework of the case being studied and to the preparation of a juridical solution of the problem being dealt with.
  4. Preparation of consultative or defensive acts according to technique of appropriate legal communication. 5. Ability to deal with problems also on comparative perspective and to acquire correct information on the juridical systems of other countries.

Autonomy of  judgment

Each videolesson is accompanied by a specific amount (three at least) of further analyses, namely questions on cases and problems related to the subjects treated in the lesson itself.

Communication skills

The professors/tutors and students interaction tools allow for a continuing check of communication skills as well as the difficulties met by each student.

Learning skills

The previously-described interaction tools allow for a satisfactory and constant check of the student’s learning progress and of any obstacles in his learning skills. On this basis it is possible to go on formulating the assessment on the student’s admission to the final exam on a linear way and according to objective criteria. In particular, in the previously-described interactive training experiences, the student is invited to face the case described in the further analyses suggested by the teacher and to formulate a written or oral answer to the proposed questions. These answers are then checked during chats and conference calls and in virtual classrooms. In addition, when any communication problems are detected, as it often happens as it regards the quality of written texts, the student is notified and invited to make a personal effort to enhance his communication skills.

Final exam

The final exam, for which the student sits upon completion of his study path, consists in the preparation of a critical research paper on a subject linked to the specific issues of the study program. With this work and with reference to the specific issue being dealt with, the student has to prove his skills for critical appraisal and ordered editing, beside having acquired the needed theoretical skills and knowledge of the related specific case-laws. The final paper, whose subject is agreed with a teacher of the faculty who will act as supervisor, can have the characters of: a research paper; a critical appraisal of the studies and training activities carried on;  a project of analysis and intervention at a professional level.

Employment and professional prospects envisaged for graduate lawyers, law professionals and public executives in the juridical field in working environment:

Professionals who are personally responsible for the approach they adopt in the service to be supplied directly to a client or in the framework of a team work including also a professional office or a company office or a public administration office. Professional expertise must allow to draw analyses and juridical assessments of concrete facts and conflict situations including capacities of personally carrying on exhaustive researches on databases that are generally used in their professional activities by jurists and to solve problems with a creative contribution to the regulatory framework of actual situations and to formulate appropriate solutions to the requirements to be met.

Competences associated to the function:

Capacity of juridical analysis of concrete cases, willingness to constant updating through the regular consultation of juridical information tools, capacity to fruitfully interact with individuals requesting a legal support service or consultancy (private clients, public administrations, other offices within the same company), capacity to fruitfully interact with actors entitled of decision-making powers, addressees of defensive acts or participation in ruling procedures or acts.

Professional prospects:

This degree course is aimed at training lawyers, magistrates and legal professionals in general who will be able to play roles of responsibility within business organizations or public administration offices.

Academic Year selection

  1. (Academic Year: 2013/2014)
  2. (Academic Year: 2014/2015)
  3. (Academic Year: 2015/2016)
  4. (Academic Year: 2016/2017)