Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Cognitive Processes and Technologies (Academic Year 2022/2023) - Neurosciences (in partnership con la Berlin School of Business and Innovation - BSBI)

In order to study, choose your subject, there you will find the various learning environments (videolessons, slides, books and articles, multimedia, bibliography, webographies, labs, interactive exercises, forums, interactive classes) and lecturers/tutors who will interactively follow your learning process.
Choose the teaching material that interests you and access the Page dedicated to the Professor and to the page dedicated to the Tutor
Specific objectives of the course

Curriculum (A.Y. 2022/2023)  

1st Year

CourseECTSLanguageVideo professorsProfessorTutor
Social Psychology of Web-Based Relationships
    - Sector: M-PSI/05
   - Area: -
Ileana Di Pomponio
Ricercatore Uninettuno M-PSI /03
Athanasia Kairou
Tutor Uninettuno
Physiological and Pathological Neuroanatomy
    - Sector: MED/26
   - Area: -
Andrea Romigi
Professore Associato Uninettuno MED/26
Data Science
    - Sector: M-PSI /03
   - Area: -
Prof. Ilaria Simonelli
( - )
Prof. Valentina Panetta
( - )
Valentina Panetta
Docente a contratto M-PSI/03
Farshad Badie
Neuroscience and psychobiology
    - Sector: M-PSI/02
   - Area: -
Diego Centonze
Professore Ordinario dell’Università di ROMA “Tor Vergata”
Antonio Bruno,
Sushma Kumari
Clinical Neuropsychology
    - Sector: M-PSI/08
   - Area: -
Prof. Mattia Della Rocca
Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Roma - Italia)
Prof. Carmela Morabito
Macroarea di Lettere e Filosofia - Università Tor Vergata (Roma - Italia)
Prof. Mario Stampanoni Bassi
UOC Neurologia, IRCCS NEUROMED ( - Italia)
Mario Alberto Ugo Stampanoni Bassi
Docente a contratto M-PSI/08
Angela Borrelli,
Athanasia Kairou
Tutor Uninettuno
Principles of cognitive neuroscience
    - Sector: M-PSI/02
   - Area: -
Prof. Fabio Buttari
( - )
Diego Centonze
Professore Ordinario dell’Università di ROMA “Tor Vergata”
Sushma Kumari,
Marco Ciavarro
Psychotecnologies and Technopsychologies processes 2
    - Sector: M-PED/04
   - Area: -
Prof. Maria Amata Garito
Rettore dell’Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (Italia), Professore ordinario di Psico-tecnologie ( - )
Prof. Derrick De Kerckhove
Università di Toronto ( - )
Maria Amata Garito
Prof. Ordinario UNINETTUNO M-PED/04
Giuseppe Corbelli,
Anoma Paksutti