Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and Business Management (Academic Year 2009/2010)


Credits: 2
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course provides sociological reflexion categories in order to comprehend what is society, how it is articulated, how it works and how it is regenerated. During the course are analysed concepts and problems related to the main dimensions of social agency, following a relational approach. A specific focus will be dedicated to cultural dimension, as well as to the communicative and socialization processes, in order to grasp the main relations between social agency and institutions
No requirements needed
The course aims at providing the elements needed to understand the main aspects and dynamics characterizing society, with a particular attention to the complexity characteristics of contemporary society. Will be analyzed the fundamental processes at the base of social life: socialization, communication, relations between social groups and organizational systems. Analyses are grounded on a relational approach on social bond, focusing on main elements of relational sociology. An adequate part of the course is dedicated on the empirical and methodological aspects of the discipline, that allow to analyse social phenomena with effective and scientific tools for a better comprehension of the surrounding world.
1) Introduction to Sociology and Definitions; Videolecture: 1 P. Donati (ed.), Sociologia. Una introduzione allo studio della società: Introduction and Ch. 1 2) Society as relationship and the relational analysis; Videolecture: 2-5 P. Donati (ed), Sociologia. Una introduzione allo studio della società: Ch. 1 and 6 3) Socialization and education processes; Videolectures 6 and 11 P. Donati (ed.), Sociologia. Una introduzione allo studio della società: Ch. 2 4) The communicative dimension of society; Videolezioni: 12,13 P. Donati (a cura di), Sociologia. Una introduzione allo studio della società: Ch. 3 5) The political-economical dimension of society; P. Donati (ed.), Sociologia. Una introduzione allo studio della società: Ch. 4 and 5 6) Methodology of social research; Videolezioni: 15 P. Donati (ed.), Sociologia. Una introduzione allo studio della società: Cap. 6
Required reading: DONATI P. (ed), Lezioni di sociologia, CEDAM, Padova, 1998. Integrative reading: A. Giddens, Fondamenti di sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006. For the final exam admission, students have to complete all formative activities required by UNINETTUNO University learning model.
During the course Tutor will undertake two qualitative assessments (the first one after the first 5 lectures, and the second one after the last videolectures), through a test with open questions suited for the class. Answers should be sent by each students to the tutor for evaluation. It is suggested to discuss thematic research in order to verify and strength the assimilated theoretical content. Research discussions with the Tutor could be developed through the chat sessions and the online forum activated at the beginning of the course.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi
Giovanna Rossi