Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Management Engineering (Academic Year 2006-2007)

Physics II

Credits: 5
Content language:French
Course description
Aim of the course is to gives to the student the fundamentals of Electromagnetism, together with the ability to apply models to related concrete problems.
Differential and integral calculus for multiple variable functions; vector calculus.
  • Electric field. Electric dipole – electric capacity and electric field energy
  • Continuous currents: Ohm law – electric resistance
  • Static magnetic field: magnetic field in vacuum – magnetic induction – Biot Savart law – Laplace law – Lorentz force – Ampere law – Hall effect
  • Time dependent electric and magnetic fields: electromotive forces and induced currents – induction – energy of magnetic field –Maxwell equations – propagation of electromagnetic waves – Poynting vector
  • Wave geometry and optical instruments – light and electromagnetic waves – interference and diffraction
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
Video professors
Prof. Sami Mahmood - Yarmouk University (Irbid City - Jordan)
List of lessons
Smail Tedjini
Smail Tedjini
Smail Tedjini
Smail Tedjini
Smail Tedjini
    •  Lesson n. 6: Diélectriques  Go to this lesson
Smail Tedjini
Claude Gaubert
Claude Gaubert
Claude Gaubert
Claude Gaubert
Claude Gaubert
Claude Gaubert
Eduardo Mendes
Eduardo Mendes
Eduardo Mendes
Eduardo Mendes
Eduardo Mendes
Eduardo Mendes
Jean-Emmanuel Broquin
    •  Lesson n. 20: Les lentilles  Go to this lesson
Jean-Emmanuel Broquin
Jean-Emmanuel Broquin
Jean-Emmanuel Broquin
Jean-Emmanuel Broquin
Jean-Emmanuel Broquin