Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (Academic Year 2024/2025) - Operator and Expert in Cultural Heritages and Landscapes: Language and Codes for Mediation

Modern History

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course of Modern History follows the political, religious, economic, social and cultural development of the historical period of Modern Age (1492-1848) to help understand of the events, processes, ideas and main interpretations of this crucial period from which contemporary world took shape.
Applicants are expected to know Medieval History.
While making a chronological and, above all, critical outline of the centuries being studied, the course aims at highlighting common trends and periods of innovative discontinuities that marked Modern Age.
The idea of “Modernity” – Humanism and Renaissance – The Geographical Discoveries – The European States System – The Italian Wars – The Protestant Reformation – The Catholic Counter-Reformation – The Empire of Charles V and its Legacy – The Age of Philip II – Modern State and Absolutism – The Crisis of the 17th Century – The Thirty Years War – The Age of Louis XIV – The Succession Wars and the New European Balance – Economics and Society in the Ancien Régime Societies – 17th Century Culture and Political Thinking - Enlightenment and the Age of Reformations – The Independence of the American Colonies – The French Revolution – The Napoleonic Age – Restoration and Romanticism – The Industrial Revolution – Nation and Freedom – “The Spring of Peoples”
Carlo Capra, Storia moderna (1492-1848), Le Monnier Università/Storia, Firenze, 2004 Giuseppe Galasso, Prima lezione di storia moderna, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2008. Other useful texts (optional): Corso di Storia (diretto da Giuseppe Galasso), Aurelio Musi, Età moderna, Bompiani per le scuole superiori, 1994 Aa. Vv., Storia moderna (Manuali Donzelli), Donzelli, Roma, 1998 Renata Ago e Vittorio Vidotto, Storia moderna, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2004 A. Aubert e P. Simoncelli, Profilo di Storia moderna, Cacucci editore, Bari, 2007
The exercises consist in developing (in the form of short essays) issues referring to the main questions dealt with during the course.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Maurizio Gentilini
List of lessons
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso
Giuseppe Galasso