Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Legal Expert in Development and Internationalisation of Enterprises (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Business Law

Credits: 10
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course covers the regulation of Enterprises in Italian law, with appropriate comparisons with the EU rules and the guidelines of the business world, through the analysis of the rules on corporate and entrepreneurial phenomenon, the acts of the entrepreneur, the financing of companies, as well as on the crisis and the restructuring of enterprises.
For this course are required the method of study of law, acquired with the matter already studied (in particular, with the Institutions of Private Law) and the basic rules of the Economics.
The course aims to study the businesses regulation, starting from the basics of matter. The course illustrates how legal institutions operate in the business world and the comparison between the regulation and the international experience.
The video lessons are divided into four parts: business and market (lessons 1-15); establishment and company management (lessons 16-34); business activities (lessons 35-45); contestability and crisis of companies (lessons 46-60).
The fundamental basis for the study is the Italian Civil Code and the complementary laws, in an updated version. The text for the exam is G. F. CAMPOBASSO, Manuale di diritto commerciale, last edition, edited by M. Campobasso, Utet, Turin.
The topics of the exercises include: the entrepreneurial activity, the limited partnership, the joint-stock company, the general partnership, the limited liability company, the financing of the business, the banking sector and the banking contracts. We will made at least 3 assessment tests.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Giovanni Cabras
List of lessons
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Francesco Galgano
Giovanni Cabras
Francesco Galgano
Francesco Galgano
Francesco Galgano
Francesco Galgano
    •  Lesson n. 20: Le azioni  Go to this lesson
Rossella Cavallo Borgia
Rossella Cavallo Borgia
Rossella Cavallo Borgia
Francesco Galgano
Francesco Galgano
Nadia Zorzi
Francesco Galgano
Francesco Galgano
Francesco Galgano
Rossella Cavallo Borgia
Rossella Cavallo Borgia
Rossella Cavallo Borgia
Rossella Cavallo Borgia
Francesco Galgano
Francesco Galgano
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Francesco Galgano
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras
Giovanni Cabras