Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Law (Academic Year 2013/2014)

Civil Procedural Law

Credits: 10
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course examines the main principles and fundamental institutions underlying civil litigation, adjourned to the recent legislative reforms and the main case laws.
Successful passage of the civil law examination is required.
The course through in depth-analysis and simulated experiences allows to learn the principles and the rules of civil procedure.
The course will explore the following arguments: sources of civil procedural law; – jurisdictional function; – general principles of the trial ;– limits to the exercise of jurisdiction;- exercise of civil action and claim, lis pendens, related actions, connected actions;- the judge, the public prosecutor;-the parties, the advocates ;–the trials with plurality of parties: co-plaintiff, interventions; –judicial acts and documents;–invalidity;- evidence;– cognitive civil process: the introductory phase, the debating phase, the decision phase; interruption, suspension, extinction of the civil process;- res judicata; -appeals and other challenges to the judgment; - preventive summary judgments; –hearings in chambers;– enforcements;- special proceedings; - alternative methods of dispute resolution; -arbitration.
ARIETA,G., DE SANTIS, F., MONTESANO,L., Corso base di diritto processuale civile, Editore Cedam, V Edizione, 2013.
There will be periodical tutorials, prevalently multiple choice questions.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Giovanni Arieta, Adriana Neri
List of lessons
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
    •  Lesson n. 6: La competenza  Go to this lesson
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
    •  Lesson n. 14: Le prove  Go to this lesson
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
    •  Lesson n. 24: L'appello  Go to this lesson
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta
    •  Lesson n. 39: L’arbitrato  Go to this lesson
Giovanni Arieta
Giovanni Arieta