Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Management of turistic enterprises (Academic Year 2008-2009)

Micro and macro economics

Credits: 8
Content language:Italian
Course description
The primary goal of the course is to endow students with methodology and analytical tools used by economists to understand how market economies function. The course has two main parts. The first part introduces students to basic principles of microeconomics, including development of demand theory, optimal equilibrium output levels for individual firms and industry, optimal production input rewards. The propositions of welfare economics are considered, and general equilibrium analysis provides an overview of whole economic system. Emphasis is placed on the firm, market structures, and resource allocation. The second part concerns macroeconomic theory, national income determination and its main component such as investment expenditures, government taxes and expenditures. Among the topics examined with this model are fiscal versus monetary policy, balance of payment deficits, long run economic growth, inflation, and unemployment. Two topics are of special interest :
  • the economic analysis of environmental issues
  • European Union and Welfare System
The course objectives are:
  • to provide the student with the basic analytical skills needed to assess historical and social problems from an economics perspective
  • to learn how to critically evaluate the assumptions, models, and conclusions you encounter in the study of economic theory
  • to increase the student's knowledge and interest in the economic consequences of social issues
  • Why Study Economics? We study economics to understand not only the world we live in but also the many potential worlds that policy-makers are constantly proposing to us. SUMMARY of P.A. Samuelson-W.D. Nordhaus, 2009, page 15.
  • P.A. Samuelson-W.D. Nordhaus, Economics XIX edizione, Irvin MC Graw - Hill, 2009.
After reading the theory book about economics it is time to test your knowledge to make sure that you are well prepared for your exam.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Giovanna Morelli
Video professors
Prof. Carlo Andrea Bollino - Università di Perugia (Perugia - Italy)
List of lessons
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
    •  Lesson n. 5: La Produzione  Go to this lesson
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
    •  Lesson n. 10: Monopolio  Go to this lesson
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
    •  Lesson n. 12: Oligopolio  Go to this lesson
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
    •  Lesson n. 27: Consumo  Go to this lesson
Carlo Andrea Bollino
    •  Lesson n. 28: Investimenti  Go to this lesson
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino
Carlo Andrea Bollino