Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Psychosocial disciplines (Academic Year 2013/2014)

Dynamic psychology

Credits: 10
Content language:Italian
Course description
The dynamic psychology course will examine the different perspectives that within this discipline have redefined the function of affect as a basis for self-development and interpersonal relations, with particular reference to theoretical and clinical intersubjectivity.
We recommend the student to be in possession of the basics of developmental psychology and have passed the exams in the first year. However, there are no specific propaedeutical.
Il corso si propone di offrire allo studente una panoramica dei percorsi della psicologia dinamica, affrontando il campo degli affetti, delle relazioni interpersonali, delle emozioni e delle motivazioni attraverso un approfondimento delle aree teoriche, cliniche ed evolutive che hanno caratterizzato la recente ricerca in questo ambito.
The course is divided into four thematic modules: Module I-The theoretical and clinical perspective of intersubjectivity, composed of the following five video lessons: 1) Introduction: emotions and interpersonal relationships (prof. Dazzi), 2) Infant Research (prof. Dazzi) and 3) The affective communication between parents and children in the early years of life (prof. Ammaniti) 4) The role of emotions in adolescence (prof. Ammaniti.) 5) The neurobiological bases of emotion (prof. Ammaniti). Module II-Affect and attachment, consists of the following seven video lessons: 1) The diagnosis of affections (prof. Lang), 2) Psychopathology of affect (prof. Lang) 3) Attachment and psychoanalysis (Prof. De Coro) and 4) Attachment and affect regulation (prof. Dazzi) 5) Attachment and family relationships (prof. Lis) 6) Sexuality, love and attachment (Prof. Ricci Bitti) 7) Instruments for measuring attachment (prof. Lis). Module III-Theories of emotion, made up of the following eight video lessons, taught by prof. Galatians: 1) Theories of emotion, 2) The cognitive activity of the emotions; 3) The cognitive representation of emotion, 4) Neuropsychology and psychophysiology of emotion; 5) The expression of emotions; 6) The development of emotions; 7) Emotions between biology and culture; 8) Emotions and health. Module IV-Models in relational psychoanalysis, composed dale following four video lessons: 1) Towards a relational psychoanalysis (prof. De Coro), 2) Tools for evaluating the process in psychotherapy (prof. De Coro) 3) From the group individual and return ... transits cognitive and affective (first part) (prof. Di Maria) 4) From the group to the individual and back ... transits cognitive and affective (second part) (prof. Di Maria). In addition, there is an optional module of study entitled "Theories of motivation", composed dale following six video lessons taught by prof. Ricci Bitti: 1) Introduction to the form and presentation of issues; 2) classic theories of motivation; 3) The basic motivations: hunger and thirst; 4) The reasons for the success and fulfillment; 5) More complex motivations; 6) motivation and volition (will). The topics of this module are considered very useful for a deeper understanding and deepening of the discipline, but will not constitute specific object of the examination. Focus will be the implications from the new concept of child development made from infant research, see the affect regulation in early childhood as one of the main objectives for the development of the self within the basic relationships. Will be illustrated in this respect also the latest research in neuroscience that has contributed significantly to this new concept. Will be later discussed the theoretical paradigm that has most influenced this design: theory. According to this theory, in fact, the construction of the individual Self appears as the precipitate of the organization of mother-child dyadic system to which they are assigned regulatory functions that will lead to the establishment of internal self-regulation. Instruments of Assessment for child and adult have helped to extend the research in this area based on empirical evidence and theoretical and clinical assumptions that were at the foundation. The course will also address the issue of patients in the clinic work, defining the implications in terms of psychopathology and diagnosis, with regard to clinical work both individually and as a group. Particular note will be given to theories of emotion, studying the classical theories and recent developments. The video lessons are connected to different materials (texts of classical authors, research articles in English, bibliographies for further study, lecture notes, slides). It is strongly recommended to use this material to enhance learning, although it is not included in the syllabus.
1) Il bambino e le sue relazioni. Attaccamento e individualità tra teoria e osservazione di Riva Crugnola Cristina - Cortina Raffaello - 2007. 2) Lavelli M. (2007). Intersoggettività. Origini e primi sviluppi. Milano: Raffello Cortina. 3) Galati D. (2002), Prospettive sulle emozioni e teorie del soggetto, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri (Esclusi cap. 2 e 3). -Per consultazione sul tema dell’attaccamento: J. Cassidy, P. Shaver (a cura di), Manuale dell’attaccamento. Giovanni Fioriti, Roma, 2010
Sono previste prove costituite da una serie di domande specifiche a risposta aperta, in coda ad alcune lezioni del corso. Se lo studente lo richiede, il tutor fornisce una valutazione delle prove.
Massimo Ammaniti
List of lessons
Nino Dazzi
Nino Dazzi
Massimo Ammaniti
Massimo Ammaniti
Massimo Ammaniti
Margherita Lang
Margherita Lang
Alessandra De Coro
Nino Dazzi
Adriana Lis
Dario Galati
Adriana Lis
Dario Galati
Dario Galati
Dario Galati
Dario Galati
Pio Enrico Ricci Bitti
Pio Enrico Ricci Bitti
Dario Galati
Pio Enrico Ricci Bitti
Alessandra De Coro
Alessandra De Coro
Franco Di Maria
Franco Di Maria