Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Dottorato di Ricerca in Mente e Tecnologie nella Società Digitale (Academic Year 2019/2020)

Theories and tools for psychosocial evaluating

Credits: 5
Content language:Italian
Course description
The first part of the course will examine in depth the theoretical and epistemological requirements at the basis of the qualitative paradigm, aiming at a critical analysis of the methodological debate concerning the potentials and limits of the different research methods. The second part focuses on the theoretical and empirical knowledge concerning the data collection method of survey, also when orally distributed (interview). All these competences are necessary in view of conducting research in the area of psychosocial sciences and in the main fields of intervention. The investigated topics will be illustrated by means of research conducted in different theoretical and applicative areas (such as national surveys, marketing researches, etc.) and in different modalities (phone and face-to-face interviews; mail or e-mail surveys, etc.). The last part of the course aims at providing the necessary skills in view of an adequate understanding and application of psychological tests. The course will go in depth into the history and diffusion of tests, from the beginning until today. At a later stage, the course will introduce some statistical elements such as the theory of the random error and some fundamental characteristics of the psychological tests (reliability and validity). Last, the course will describe the cognitive tests, personality tests.
Basic elements of psychometrics and basic psychology lexicon.
The course aims at: 1). Providing an overview of the qualitative and quantitative research methods, by pointing out their pros and cons; 2). Endowing students with an adequate and balanced knowledge that allows them to develop interpretation skills in view of an accurate psychosocial assessment. (per poter sviluppare capacità di interpretazione e critica sui temi di valutazione psico-sociale) and with the suitable theoretical instruments of analysis in the field of quantitative and qualitative social research; 3). Teaching students how to apply psychological tests, i.e. how to interpret the psychometric characteristics and how to read and interpret the scores.
The first part of the course will provide some preliminary notions in view of situating the qualitative methods within the more wide spectrum of research in psychology and social psychology. More precisely, the course will identify the fundamental and distinctive features of psychosocial research and its instruments: experiments, observations and simulations. The observation techniques, typical of qualitative research, will be subjected to a more analytical examination in view of setting up a taxonomy of qualitative research techniques. The course will then focus on the most popular qualitative research techniques: interviews, participant observations and focus groups. The second part of the course deals with topics concerning quantitative methods in psychosocial research. Classes will be focused on the history of interviews and of questionnaires in psychosocial research; on how to make a questionnaire (e.g. content and formulation of questions); different ways of administering a questionnaire (e.g. self-administering) and on the results of the questionnaire (e.g. possible falsifying effects in replies). Last, the course will deal with psychological tests. More precisely, the course will focus on the history and diffusion of tests, on the main psychometric properties that have to be taken into consideration when choosing a test (i.e. validity and reliability) and on the interpretation of scores. During the course, there will be a discussion of some psychological tests and their limits.
BONCORI L., I test in psicologia: fondamenti teorici e applicazioni, Il Mulino, 2006. - CARDANO M., Tecniche di ricerca qualitativa. Percorsi di ricerca nelle scienze sociali, Roma, Carocci, 2003. - ZAMMUNER, V.L , Tecniche dell’intervista e del questionario. Bologna, Il Mulino, 1998. - PEDRABISSI SANTINELLO, I test psicologici, Il Mulino, 1997. - PEDON, A., GNISCI, A. Metodologia della ricerca psicologica, Il Mulino, 2004.
The practical exercises will mainly consist of a self-check of the knowledge acquired during the course. In addition, hypertexts concerning significant research conducted in the psychological field and practical exercises of the measurement instruments in the field of social psychology will also be presented.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Marinella Paciello
List of lessons
Mario Cardano
Mario Cardano
Mario Cardano
Mario Cardano
Mario Cardano
Mario Cardano
Mario Cardano
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
    •  Lesson n. 10: Le domande  Go to this lesson
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Vanda Lucia Zammuner
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo
Luigi Pedrabissi
Luigi Pedrabissi
Luigi Pedrabissi
Luigi Pedrabissi
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo
Santo Di Nuovo