Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2018/2019) - Communication for Media Businesses and for Advertising (exhausted)

Creativity and advertising

Credits: 8
Content language:English
Course description
The course in Creativity and Advertising Communication offers an insight into the methods used in professional advertising providing a deeper analysis of the role of the copyrighter, of editor of promotional messages. It analyses customers’ behaviours, market dynamics, strategic systems to design and spread promotional messages through the purchase of spaces and time-slots on mass media putting advertising at the centre of a communication mix and analysing the main features of sales promotion, public relations and of every new aspects of non-conventional communication. Finally, it illustrates the most effective techniques with the purpose of stimulating creativity and the development of new ideas.
For those interested in the activity of the copywriter it is essential to be interested in written communication, to have a sound literary background and a special aptitude towards creativity. A good command of the English language and, as in all communication current activities, and master the Internet and the main software packages.
The main objective is that of supplying knowledge about the strategic process translating the marketing and communication objectives into effective and creative solution for advertising campaigns.
The course illustrateS the role, functions, production processes of the advertising system, analysing the strategies guiding the creative realisation of messages and their modulation according to the specificities of the various mass media of which it analyses the characteristics. It also presents some of the components that make the creative process more targeted and effective: how a briefing is written and decoded, how a creative proposal is analysed, how the budget is allocated, how the effectiveness of a message is measure to conclude with an analysis of the techniques that are useful to develop the creativeness potentials of everybody.
Enrico Cogno – Il talento del comunicatore – Collana Trend - Franco Angeli. Enrico Cogno – Come risolvere i problemi – Collana Trend - Franco Angeli. Luigi Bassat, Giancarlo Livraghi - Il nuovo libro della pubblicità - Edizioni IL SOLE 24 ORE.
The exercises, aimed at training the student in practical work, are drawn from the professional field: inventing names, writing advertisements, conceiving claims, scripts for sequences of storyboards for realising a book as a copywriter. The exercises consist in reviewing advertisements, in writing copy strategies and in creating headlines, body copies and pay-offs for advertising campaigns. The assessment system of the basic knowledge of the advertising sector is based on the check of the learning progress reached thanks to the videolessons and the suggested texts; the assessment of the exercises, instead, reproduces the same system being used in the professional field. Solutions are judges according to clear criteria: consistency with the proposal with the set objectives, appropriateness to the target and how far the persuading/information aspect of the message can be considered good in professional terms.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available