Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communications, Media and Advertising (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Economic processes and work organization in the media sector

Credits: 7
Content language:Italian
Course description
This course offers an overview of national and international Companies operating in publishing, television, film and audiovisuals, in a context that offers new multimedia and cross-sectorial opportunities, but also challenges caused by the economic crisis.
Passion and interest in the media system and its business models
Knowledge and understanding of Italian and International Media System and its business models.
This course examines the world of Media Industry: strategies, prospects, financial results, and it gave his attention on how these dynamics depend on the production of content. In particular the course explores three areas: publishing area, TV area, audiovisual and multimedia area. For each module shows the most important players in the field, and for each of them, it shows the business strategy, short historical reconstructions, the current situation and possible developments.
G. Leone/G. Scatassa “Economia e Gestione dei Media, protagonisti e tendenze tra rivoluzione digitale, crisi globale e nuovi modelli di consumi”, Luiss University Press, 2009
Sono previste due esercitazioni. La prima consiste in una risposta a una domanda aperta e si effettuerà a metà del corso. La seconda prevede la presentazione da parte dello studente di una tesina su uno dei gruppi trattati e si terrà alla fine del corso.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Giovanni Scatassa, Giancarlo Leone
List of lessons
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giancarlo Leone
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa
Giancarlo Leone
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa
Giovanni Scatassa