Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2013/2014) - Culture, Tourism and Corporate Value

Local economic development

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course is focused on the study of the main economic variables that contribute to the development of a local area and economic regions. The main topics of the course are the following: economic agents and their role in local and national economy; localization theories; industrial districts; main regional development theories; the role of infrastructure in the local and national development; the analysis of infrastructure investments; globalization and internalization of firms.
The course does not ask for prerequisites. However, it is preferable that students have passed the exams of Institutions of political economy and economic policy and Industrial and Applied Economics or Applied Economics for Services and Tourism.
The course aims to provide students the basic knowledge of territorial and regional economics and the basic tools to understand local development dynamics in the globalization era.
The course is focused on the study of the main economic variables that contribute to the development of a local area and economic regions. The main topics of the course are the following: economic agents and their role in local and national economy; localization theories; industrial districts; main regional development theories; the role of infrastructure in the local and national development; the analysis of infrastructure investments; globalization and internalization of firms.
Title: “Analisi economica del territorio. Letture sulla scienza economica” Author: Aurelio Bruzzo Edition: 2013 (II edition) Editor: Aracne The student has to study the chapters from 1 to 9.
Ai fini della verifica e dell’ammissione all’esame, lo studente dovrà inviare entro la fine dell'erogazione un esercizio nella forma di tesina. La tesina dovrà sviluppare e argomentare entro 3 pagine word un argomento a scelta tra quelli affrontati nel testo.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Giovanna Morelli
List of lessons
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli
Giovanna Morelli