Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Operator of Cultural Heritage (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2011/2012) - Archaeological Heritage (ad esaurimento)

The project to develop the cultural heritage: communication, promotion and management

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course of “The project to develop the cultural heritage: communication, promotion and management” stems from the desire of wanting to provide those who will be found to act in the world of cultural heritage, the proper tools needed to operate in the industry. Today, much more than in the past, it is aware of the significance of cultural heritage, not only as an object of art and history, but as an integral part of territorial dynamics, social and political, which define its identity. The "territorial systems of cultural heritage" understood as territorial areas with precise connotations, require valuation models that are appropriate in the analysis of the state of the foundation for the definition of operational practice.The increasingly frequent use of terms such as "urban renewal" or "urban renovation" attest that today is taken for granted the extension of the disciplinary field of architectural restoration. The progressive expansion of the interests conservative brings with it inevitable operational problems, the criteria of architectural restoration can not be equated with those of urban renewal, if the restoration of architectural you can just keep in the urban renewal must keep turning, the historic town is still a living organism that imposes its rules of development. The need to bring the restoration of old buildings within the urban planning / territorial care to integrate conservation needs with those of development (Amsterdam Charter of 1975) expands the scope of restorative discipline, architectural restoration passing through urban restoration comes to the definition of restoration of the territory.This additional and progressive dilation leads to the recognition of the value of "cultural landscape", a term in which the concepts of territory, environment and landscape merge into a complex articulation where the man speaking on the nature (environment) and changing its appearance expresses the making of a civilization (territory).The theme of the territory, understood as a unique consists of densely built-up areas partially populated, agricultural areas, forests, natural areas, assumes a greater prevalence in the cultural and social debate, and the increasing attention to these topics see, sometimes to an extent opposed, the needs of the "government" of the territories in functional measure social needs and the value of "sustainability", understood as the possibility of providing the most appropriate resources (territorial, environmental, natural, energy) potential users, in the knowledge that the resources limited natural and some human activities have an impact in reducing percentages exponential.The delicate balance of the system and evolving environmental and land together with the need to restructure and redevelop urban settlements of all sizes require, in principle, the increasing use of the methods and techniques of planning, supported by adequate multidisciplinary contributions. It is not simply to address the issue of traditional urbanism made of the institutional hierarchical chain of local and higher-level planning nor slavishly apply the criteria of architectural restoration, but to engage a different awareness of the territory on which they work multiple subjects in which figures expert to be able to combine a growing demand for sustainable design with the need for cultural, economic and social development of the territory.
Non sussistono prerequisiti specifici per l’accesso al Corso
The main aim of the course of project development in cultural heritage: communication, promotion and management is to establish a multidisciplinary approach to the problem of enhancement of cultural heritage, both for the figure of the cultural heritage which needs an interdisciplinary training which involves not only the humanities but also anthropology, chemistry, architecture and engineering, and for those who today is in charge of landscape, industry much in vogue, but which still lacks a precise connotation that needs a unique involvement on the part of the natural sciences (environment / ecology) and those aesthetic and perceptual (territory / man / nature). n particular, the course aims to: - Develop a capacity of knowledge and evaluation of the many interdependencies between the various anthropogenic factors, environmental, socio - economic and territorial that make up the cultural heritage through the formation of knowledge necessary to implement analyzes, interpretations and critical evaluations urban transformations, territorial and environmental issues; - provide the basic concepts of spatial planning in order to provide the basic knowledge that can be used in the professional activity in the control, management and evaluation of processes of exploitation. - Develop a mastery approaches and methodologies for environmental and territorial cohesion in the context of participatory planning, local development and sustainable development.
Le 24 videolezioni del corso trattano i seguenti argomenti:

1) Beni Culturali: definizioni e concetti

Videolezioni: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

2) Beni Culturali: criteri di valorizzazione

Videolezioni: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

3) Beni Culturali: promozione e gestione.

Videolezioni: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

1)  Beni Culturali: definizioni e concetti

Lezione n. 1: La conoscenza dei segni e dei valori culturali Giacomo Corna Pellegrini

Lezione n. 2: Valori culturali nelle realtà costruite dall’uomo Giacomo Corna Pellegrini

Lezione n. 3: Funzioni e spazi della città e del territorio. Città fisica e forma urbana Mario Fadda

Lezione n. 4: Il territorio come rete di sistemi locali Giuseppe De Matteis

Lezione n. 5: Il patrimonio della città e del territorio Vera Comoli

Lezione n. 6: Paesaggio del territorio Pompeo Fabbri

Lezione n. 7: Paesaggio della città Pompeo Fabbri

2) Beni Culturali: criteri di valorizzazione

Lezione n. 8: Conservazione e fruizione dei beni culturali Giacomo Corna Pellegrini

Lezione n. 9: Legame profondo tra beni culturali e culture viventi Giacomo Corna Pellegrini

Lezione n. 10: La modernizzazione influenza i valori culturali Giacomo Corna Pellegrini

Lezione n. 11: Letterature che raccontano beni e paesaggi culturali Giacomo Corna Pellegrini

Lezione n. 12: Valori culturali attraverso l’ impegno politico Giacomo Corna Pellegrini

Lezione n. 13: CITTA' OPERA D'ARTE VS SMART CITY: il ruolo della progettazione tra memoria storica e innovazione Tatiana Kirova Kirilova

Lezione n. 14: Il centro storico di San Gimignano (Siena) Tatiana Kirova Kirilova

3) Beni Culturali: promozione e gestione.

Lezione n. 15: Turismo, luoghi, identità Stefano Landi

Lezione n. 16 : Management Plan Unesco. Paesaggio naturale, Paesaggio culturale, Paesaggio Storico urbano Tatiana Kirova Kirilova

Lezione n. 17: Canelli e il paesaggio vitivinicolo astigiano  Tatiana Kirova Kirilova

Lezione n. 18: L'abbazia di San Fruttuoso: il percorso museale e le tombe di Doria Tatiana Kirova Kirilova

Lezione n. 19: Il parco di villa gregoriana a Tivoli. Il restauro conservativo e la valorizzazione Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Lezione n. 20: Management Plan Unesco. Beni Immateriali e progetti integrati sul territorio Tatiana Kirova Kirilova

Lezione n. 21: La dieta mediterranea, percorsi tra storia e iscrizione UNESCO nella lista del patrimonio culturale intangibile Tatiana Kirova Kirilova

Lezione n. 22: Economia della cultura e dell'ambiente - Parte I Maurizio Carmignani

Lezione n. 23: Economia della cultura e dell'ambiente - Parte II Maurizio Carmignani

Lezione n. 24: Monumenti e siti storici per la pace fra i popoli Tatiana Kirova Kirilova


A completamento del programma del corso, sono proposti libri, articoli e saggi, riferiti agli argomenti trattati nelle videolezioni e classi interattive. La lista dei testi a completamento del corso è la seguente:

  • BOLDRINI N. (2018). AI Artificial Intelligence: Come è nata, come funziona e come l’Intelligenza Artificiale sta per cambiare il mondo, la vostra vita e il vostro lavoro. Milano: Class Editori.
  • DE KERKHOVE, D.  (2014). Psicotecnologie connettive. Milano: Egea (Facoltativo)
  • FERRI, P. (2011). Nativi Digitali. Milano: Mondadori Bruno. (Facoltativo)
  • FISCH S. (a cura di) (2008) National Approaches to the Governance of Historical Heritage Over Time: A Comparative Report, Cahiers de l’Histoire de l’Administration n. 9, Amsterdam: IOS Press. (Facoltativo)
  • FLORIDI, L. (2017). La quarta rivoluzione. Come l'infosfera sta trasformando il mondo. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.
  • HARARI, Y.N. (2017). Homo deus. Breve storia del futuro.  Milano: Bompiani.
  • GILLMAN D. (2010), The Idea of Cultural Heritage. Revised Edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Facoltativo)
  • FRANCH M., (2010) Marketing delle destinazioni turistiche. Milano, McGraw-Hill, (Facoltativo)
  • ICOMOS (1994) Tourism at World Heritage Cultural Sites. The Site Manager’s Handbook, ICOMOS-International Committee on Cultural Tourism, Washington DC, US- ICOMOS (Facoltativo)
  • SETTIS S., (2012) Azione Popolare. Cittadini per il bene comune. Torino, Einaudi
  • SETTIS S., (2014) Se Venezia muore. Torino, Einaudi
  • VAN BALEN, K. and VANDESANDE A. (2016). Heritage Counts. Antwerp-Apeldoorn: Garant Publisher. (Facoltativo)
  • ZUBOFF, S. (2019). Il capitalismo della sorveglianza. Il futuro dell'umanità nell'era dei nuovi poteri. Roma: Luiss University Press.
La tipologia di approccio disciplinare non contempla esercizi scritti secondo la accezione di consuetudine.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons
Giacomo Corna Pellegrini
Giacomo Corna Pellegrini
Mario Fadda
Giuseppe De Matteis
Vera Comoli
Pompeo Fabbri
Pompeo Fabbri
Giacomo Corna Pellegrini
Giacomo Corna Pellegrini
Giacomo Corna Pellegrini
Giacomo Corna Pellegrini
Giacomo Corna Pellegrini
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Stefano Landi
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova
Luciana Mariotti
Maurizio Carmignani
Maurizio Carmignani
Tatiana Kirova Kirilova