Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Management Engineering (Academic Year 2018/2019) - Production path

Energy and heat transfer engineering

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
Engineering physics is a basic subject of engineering course, which studies the energy, its transfer, its conversion and its degradation. This subject develops and examines in depth to application level, general principles of physics and its content is the basis of many cultural specialization areas. It provides the indispensable foundations for some subject like Fluid Machinery, installation and thermal processes.
Math analysis I, General Physics I
The course provides methodological and applications foundations of thermodynamics and heat transfer. At the end of the course, the student must be able to understand, interpret and use the thermodynamic models necessary to identification, formulation and solution of problems related to systems and processes characterized by energetic interactions with external environment. In particular, the student must be able to analyze thermodynamic components, to identify the main features and to make a choice between different options and systems. At the same time, the course provides the knowledge for the design of particular types of systems and components: heating and air conditioning systems, heat exchangers.
THERMODYNAMICS - Concepts and definitions, systems and properties thermodynamic, thermodynamic equilibrium, transformations. First and second law of thermodynamics; mass, energy, and entropy balance for closed and open systems. Some consequences of the first and second law of thermodynamics; equations of Gibbs; work of volume variation in closed systems; equation of mechanical energy; specific heat; irreversibility. Thermodynamics of states: introduction; characteristic surface, thermodynamic diagrams (P, T), (p, v), (T, s), (h, s), (p, h); ideal gas; superheated steam; liquids; mixtures biphasic liquid-gaseous; solid. HEAT TRANSFER - Introductory concepts: mechanisms of heat exchange; laws of heat conduction, radiation and convection. Heat radiation: general, basic definitions, black body model; radiation characteristics of surfaces, geometric configuration factor, radiative heat transfer in the cavity formed by two gray surfaces. Convection: general, laminar and turbulent flow, viscosity, concept of boundary layer, dimensionless groups for forced convection (definition, physical meaning); dimensionless groups for natural convection (definition, physical meaning), use of correlations to evaluate the convective conductance in conditions of steady state. Conduction: Fourier law, heat transfer for conduction in steady one-dimensional (plane and cylindrical symmetry); thermal transient (non-stationary regime) for systems with Biot <0.10. COMPONENTS OF THERMODYNAMIC SYSTEMS - introduction; generality on the fluid dynamics machines; steam turbines; gas turbines; pumps; compressors; heat exchangers; lamination valves, ducts. ELEMENTS OF ILLUMINATING ENGINEERING - photometric characteristics, feeling light and healthy sight, elements of colorimetry, natural and artificial lighting. RENEWABLE ENERGY - rational use of energy, combined production of electric-powered and heat. VENTILATION SYSTEMS AND FORCED AIR HEATING. AIR CONDITIONING - transformations of humid air, classification of systems.
 A. Cesarano, P. Mazzei. Elementi di termodinamica applicata, Liguori, Napoli, 1989.  R. Mastrullo, P. Mazzei, R. Vanoli. Termodinamica per ingegneri - Applicazioni, Liguori editore, Napoli, 1996.  R. Mastrullo. P. Mazzei, V. Naso, R. Vanoli. Fondamenti di trasmissione del calore, vol. I e II, Liguori editore, Napoli, 1990.
The exercises consist of applications of the concepts and laws studied during the course. In particular, during exercises we will try to analyze different thermodynamic components, as well as to study the heat exchange between systems to different temperatures. To pass the exam requires able to solve independently exercises the same kind as those proposed during course.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Piergiorgio Picozza
Video professors
Prof. Omar Huzayyin - Cairo University (Giza - Egitto)
List of lessons
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Pietro Mazzei
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Cesare Boffa
Laura Savoldi
Laura Savoldi
Laura Savoldi
Laura Savoldi
Laura Savoldi
Laura Savoldi
Laura Savoldi