Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Operator of Cultural Heritage (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2011/2012) - Archaeological Heritage (ad esaurimento)

Ancient topography, relief and technical analysis of ancient monuments

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to define the goals and the systematic methodological research related to a discipline of historical and archaeological area, such as the Ancient Topography, Survey and technical analysis of ancient monuments, in order to reconstruct the shape and meaning of the ancient anthropic contexts, through the traces that remain in modern urban landscapes. Regarding to the ancient urbanism preliminarily territories and ancient settlements in areas without continuity of life will be analyzed, to assume formal models and functional, at the base of the programming current organization of cities and their district. Regarding to drawing methods and technical analysis of ancient monuments, the functionality of the study, its methodology and the process of data will be examined. Furthermore will be described processes, the materials and techniques used in antiquity.
An important requirement is to be able for reading the ancient literary and epigraphic sources.
The study of ancient urbanism and architecture passes through the reading of ancient contexts. The purpose of discipline is therefore to provide a method to understand and try to reconstruct the form, meaning and function of the sites and ancient architecture, the evidence, the tracks and the remains still preserved in the urban landscapes.
The history of research of historical and archaeological topography is identified in the attempt, starting from the first Humanism, to interpret the monumental evidences of ancient times, linking the data with architectural news can be derived from classical sources in order to give an identity to the main building complexes. It is evident that in this phase the field of research and study identifies itself in a special way with the city of Rome, to widen, from '600, Italy and in other contexts. Some of the identifications are still plausible, but for the most part the evolution of systems of study has led to new readings and interpretations. The major phase of critical analysis mainly concerns the last century that arises very basis of this research. The research on ancient cities and the territory have thus led to the formation of well-founded knowledge and repertoires, including mapping, which today are valuable for studies of the sector, particularly in those areas where the uncontrolled urbanization has led to the loss of documentation . Suffice it to recall the disappearance of the ancient testimonies in many neighborhoods of Rome, for the explosion building followed in 1870, or damage related to the development of road construction and infrastructure. Regarding the history of the city, during the final decades of the last century, the researches related to major excavation missions in the main centers Mediterranean has been developed. To join this deepening methodological investigation on the territory, which involves the study of the ancient road network based on the feedback with the ancient trails, and the reconstruction of the landscape with the recognition of the vast territorial subdivisions often linked to specific historical moments, such as deductions of colonies and allocations of land to veterans. In particular, consideration will be held in the course of the lessons, the Italian area, peninsular and insular, with attention to the highest concentration of archaeological contexts and specific meaning in surveying and planning, not to mention references to other districts that are relevant for the Mediterranean the framework of the phenomena both in the cities than in the organization of the territory.In a more defined scope of investigation, which caters to the documentation and correct interpretation of the ancient structures preserved up to the present, the relief and the technical analysis of ancient monuments offers a direct approach and a structural study of the life stages and functions originating in ancient monuments. Lessons - Sez. I - History of discipline- Sez. II - The development of ancient Italy through the analysis of urban planning Sez. III - Urbanism of ancient Rome. IV - Street networks - Sez. V - Drawing techniques - Sez. VI - New technologies - Sez. VII - Technical analysis of ancient monuments - Sez. VIII - The wooden structures - Sez. IX - The arch and its function Sez. X - Walls and substructures - Sez. XI - The building materials - Sez. XII - The construction sites
LIBRI DI TESTO: P.Sommella, Italia antica. L’urbanistica romana, Roma 2002 – F. Coarelli, Roma, Guide Archeologiche Laterza 6, Roma Bari 2002 - C. F. Giuliani, L’edilizia nell’antichità, Roma 2007- M. Docci, D. Maestri, Manuale di Rilevamento Architettonico e Urbano, Laterza, Bari 2009. LETTURE CONSIGLIATE: G.Bonora, P.G.Dall’Aglio, S.Patitucci, G.Uggeri, La topografia antica, Bologna 2000 - P.Gros, M.Torelli, Storia dell’Urbanistica; il mondo romano, Bari 1988, 2007, pp. 127-164 - P.Gros, M.Torelli, Storia dell’Urbanistica; il mondo romano, Bari 1988, 2007. - L. Quilici, Le strade.Viabilità tra Roma e Lazio - C. F. Giuliani, Archeologia documentazione grafica, Roma 1983 - - M. Medri, Manuale di rilievo archeologico, Roma-Bari 2003 – Specifiche indicazioni bibliografiche saranno fornite nel corso delle lezioni – M.Docci, D. Maestri, M. Gaiani, Scienza del disegno, CittàStudi, Novara 2011
The exercises will be proposed every lesson in order to memorize the basic concepts.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Paolo Sommella
List of lessons
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
    •  Lesson n. 18: Il III secolo  Go to this lesson
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Paolo Sommella
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Mario Docci
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
    •  Lesson n. 37: Le volte  Go to this lesson
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
    •  Lesson n. 39: Le fondazioni  Go to this lesson
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani
Cairoli Fulvio Giuliani