Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Operator of Cultural Heritage (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2014/2015) - Archaeological Heritage (ad esaurimento)

Chemistry of the environment and cultural heritage

Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The present course helps to understand the degradation processes of artworks. Moreover, it will be given an overview of protection processes.
No requirements must be meet.
The present course gives to the students an appropriated knowledge of the degradation process that involves of the materials used to made the artworks and the chemical-physic methods employed to avoid the damages of these materials.
Chemicals and physics degradation processes; classification and chemical physic properties of the materials employed to made artworks; methods and materials employ for stabilization and protection.
Mauro Matteini e Arcangelo Moles, La Chimica del Restauro. Nardini Editore (1989). R.H. Petrucci, W.S. Harwood, F.G. Herring, General Chemistry, Principles and Modern Applications, Edition Eighth
For each lesson several questions, both with multiple answers and with open ones, will be proposed.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Emma Angelini, Maria Perla Colombini
List of lessons
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini
Emma Angelini