Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Law (Academic Year 2016/2017)

History of medieval and modern Law – Advanced Course

Credits: 8
Content language:Italian
Course description
The relationship between Law and History will be analyzed in its complexity: on one hand the need to put into perspective the legal dynamics in their historical context; on the other hand, the need to track down the historiographical constructions into the technical features of certain regulatory schemes. The advanced course will examine some historical context to highlight the change of legal institutions at the contact with social dynamics; it will also stress the role played by the historical interpretation of the Law in the legal doctrines’ development.
The course addresses to students who have already attended the course of History of Medieval and Modern Law and successfully passed its test.
The course aims to provide students who have already attended the course of History of Medieval and Modern Law with the necessary tools to understand the method of historical and legal analysis, to describe and to distinguish the different phases of Legal history and to connect social dynamics with the legal institutions’ development, pointing out the importance of the legal history in the legal doctrine’s development
The advanced course intends to offer an overview on the historiographical construction and evolution of some regulatory schemes at the change of different historical contexts and social dynamics.
Emanuele Conte, "Diritto comune", Roma: Il Mulino, 2009. Additional readings will be indicated by the Tutor during the course
Students will have the possibility to verify the understanding level through questions related to lesson's contents
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Emanuele Conte, Sandro Notari, Giulio Stolfi, Marco Cecili
List of lessons
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte
Emanuele Conte