Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master Course in Energy Management (Academic Year 2013/2014)

Rational energy management and regulation in the energy

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The module provides knowledge about power management techniques, focusing on the role of the Energy Manager and Expert in Energy Management. The course concludes with aspects of legislation in the energy sector, incentives in the energy and aspects of the energy market. The following topics are covered: innovative solutions for energy improvement in civil-residential and industrial environments; upgrading of energy efficiency in buildings; technical and economical analysis, feasibility of interventions and risk assessment; advanced techniques of energy management; Energy Manager and Expert in Energy Management; legislation in the energy field; UNI standards on energy and environmental; incentives for the production of energy from renewable sources.
Provide expertise on energy diagnostics. Providing knowledge on energy management techniques. Provide information on the role of the Energy Manager and Expert in Energy Management. To provide knowledge on the legislation in the energy field. Provide knowledge on incentives for production of energy from renewable sources.
Energy audits. Innovative solutions for energy improvement in civil-residential and industrial environments. Upgrading the energy efficiency of buildings. Technical and economic analysis and feasibility of interventions and risk assessment. advanced techniques of energy management. Energy Manager and Expert in Energy Management. Legislation in the energy field. UNI in energy and environmental matters. Incentives for production of energy from renewable sources. The energy market: rates, effects on business performance, Power Exchange.
Luigi Martirano, "Manuale Illustrato per il Risparmio Energetico - Impianto elettrico e gestione efficace degli edifici", Tecniche Nuove Edizioni, 2011
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Dario Assante
List of lessons
Ciro Lanzetta
Ciro Lanzetta
Ciro Lanzetta
Ciro Lanzetta
Ciro Lanzetta
Ottorino Veneri
Ottorino Veneri
Ottorino Veneri
Marco Sgroi
Marco Sgroi
Marco Sgroi
Marco Sgroi
Ciro Lanzetta
Ciro Lanzetta