Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Civil Engineering (Academic Year 2014/2015) - Strutture e Infrastrutture

Dynamics and seismic engineering

Credits: 9
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course aims to provide the principles and practical tools to address major earthquake engineering problems. After an introduction to the basic dynamic systems, the course offers modern solutions to issues related to prediction of the dynamic response and the seismic design of artefacts and structures. The exercises, numerical ones and (when available) with design purposes, will sometimes use the latest tools of the seismic dynamic and allow you to consciously analyze the regulatory framework. Knowledge and skills to be acquired: To know how to formulate the structural problem in the field of dynamic and in that of seismicity; Knowing how to analyze the seismic risk starting from the regional scale up to reach the local single artifact; Acquiring seismic design skills.
Basic knowledge of mathematics, mechanics and structural engineering.
Knowledge and ability to understand the dynamic and seismic problems and their formulation in key structural; Knowledge and understanding the methods of analysis of seismic risk starting from the regional scale up to reach the local single artifact; Use of knowledge and understanding of the tools and the seismic design methods.
Causes and measure of earthquakes. Dynamics of single degree of freedom systems. Seismic excitation and response spectrum. Site effects. Seismic zonation. Ductility. Behaviour factor and capacity design. Structural regolarity and irregularity. Technical standards and design spectrum. Dynamics of multi degrees of freedom. Modal analysis with response spectrum. Methods of analysis. Seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. Seismic behaviour of steel structures. Seismic behaviour of masonry structures. Base isolation and dissipation
The teaching materials related to the topics of video lessons consist of theoretical study texts and handouts. The texts are identified in section books and articles. Additional texts and optional consultation: Dynamics of structures / Ray W. Clough, Joseph Penzien, 1993. Dynamics of structures: theory and applications to earthquake engineering/ Anil K. Chopra, 2005. Fundamentals of earthquake engineering / Nathan M. Newmark, Emilio Rosenblueth, 1971. Theoretical and experimental modal analysis/ Nuno MM Maia, Julio MM Silva, 1997. Reinforced concrete structures / R. Park, T. Paulay, 1990 Analisi sismica per livelli di conoscenza del patrimonio architettonico / Rosario Ceravolo, Giacomo V. Demarie, 2009.
The course evaluation methods are structured (if any) from 2 trials of intermediate testing, which will be delivered by UNINETTUNO platform and evaluated by the Teacher / Tutor.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Paolo Baragatti
Video professors
Prof. Maria Giuseppina Limongelli - Politecnico di Milano (Milano - Italy)
List of lessons
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
    •  Lesson n. 6: Duttilità  Go to this lesson
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli
Maria Giuseppina Limongelli