Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Civil Engineering (Academic Year 2023/2024) - Strutture e Infrastrutture


Credits: 6
Content language:Italian
Course description
The lectures will provide the fundamental information on the design and technical aspects related to tunnel construction taking into account: the excavation process, the stability of voids, the installation, choice and design of linings (both firth phase and final) and the job site managements. The lessons will deal in detail with the design of tunnel and the refurbishment of existing works with the final goal to construct the works in safety conditions both of the job site, the tunnel surrounding and the surface. Based on the principles of rock mechanics and rock engineering the stability aspects of the underground are analysed and the calculation procedures are presented. The specific ground reinforcing techniques and the structural design procedures of tunnel lining are presented. The excavation methods both for conventional and mechanized tunnelling are analysed and discussed with the goal to clarify their influence with tunnel construction, lining installation and lining design. Due to the natural heterogeneity both lithological and structural of the rock masses and their variable behaviour with reference under different overburden, the tools and methods for monitoring are presented and discussed to clarify their use in the design flow procedure and to explain how to use them for a correct check of the design hypothesis.
The student should know the base concepts of engineering geology, of the behaviour of rock masses and soils and of the structural design.
The main goal of the whole lecture program is to provide to the students the skill to identify the best procedures and tool for the correct design of a tunnel, to set up a correct risk analysis, to make the choices for the job site management and to be able to develop the design of the first phase lining also knowing the technological aspects of most used full face tunnel machines and their working procedures. The student should become able to: - analyse multidisciplinary problems that requires the skills and abilities developed in the disciplines of applied geology, rock mechanics, structural design and to become to apply these abilities to the specific sector of tunnel construction; - to follow and understand a technical speech in English and know the international terminology of the tunnel sector; - to develop and write a technical report; - to take design decision by motivating them; - to evaluate quickly the order of magnitude of the variables and parameters that the engineer should have do deal with when designing a tunnelling or managing a tunnel job site. These skills and abilities will be provided with the class lessons but also with the technical visits and with the analysis of some relevant case histories.
Design aspects Design of tunnels analysis of the key points. Tunnel layouts. Management of the 'geo' data. Surveying for deep tunnels: data collection and management. Geological problems and investigations. Risk analysis. Convergence-confinement method. Basic concepts and its use for the design of linings. Subsidence in urban area: forecast and management by design. Stabilization of the tunnel face with shields and calculation of the counter-pressure. Properties and design of the first phase supports: steel ribs, shotcrete, rock bolts. Use and application of the most common analytical and numerical design tools. The bedded-beam method for the evaluation of the actions inside the structural elements used for tunnel lining. Problems related with the construction of the final lining. Formworks. Technical properties of segmental lining. Design procedure for segmental lining (basic concepts). Ground reinforcing The ground reinforcing used in tunnelling: construction aspects and actions. Permeation grouting, rock bolts, VTR face reinforcement, steel pipe umbrella. Design ground reinforcing techniques. Excavation techniques Drill and blast design. Types of blast rounds and to job site organization. Roadheader, High energy impact hammers. Rock full face machines (TBM ' Tunnel Boring Machines). TBM's limit conditions e methods to overcome them. Shield tunnelling (SS, Mixed Shield, EPBS). Soil conditioning for EPB tunnelling
The didactic materials, related to the topics of video lessons, consist of theoretical study texts and handouts; these educational materials make individual study of the student.
The course evaluation methods are structured by two tests of intermediate testing, which will be delivered by UNINETTUNO platform and evaluated by the Teacher / Tutor. Such verification tests, wider than the self-assessment exercises (present within each video lesson), will focus on the topics of the course.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Andrea Tomassi
Video professors
Prof. Daniele Peila - Politecnico di Torino (Torino - Italy)
Prof. Fabrizio Barpi - Politecnico di Torino (Torino - Italy)
Prof. Daniele Martinelli - Politecnico di Torino (Torino - Italy)
List of lessons
Daniele Peila
Daniele Peila
Daniele Martinelli
Daniele Martinelli
Daniele Peila
Daniele Peila
Fabrizio Barpi
Fabrizio Barpi
Daniele Peila
Daniele Peila
Daniele Peila
Daniele Martinelli
Daniele Peila
Daniele Peila