Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671 - [WEB-08-07-121-P]

Economics and business administration (Academic Year 2017/2018) - Financial management

Introduction to law

Credits: 9
Content language:English
Course description
The course aims to increase the theoretical and practical knowledge of the international business law through the analysis of the global legal environment in which business operates today, with an effective overview of nation-to national relations, dispute settlement across national borders and multinational enterprises. Special treatment is given to global legal issues in sales, money and banking, transportation and financing.
No prerequisite requirements
Objective of the course is provide students with a comprehensive look at critical issues and functions in the global legal environment, highlighting the major issues confronting those companies and individuals who do business globally. Students will be invited to apply their knowledge by answering the questions at the end of each theme.
The lessons cover the following topics: • Legal Systems • State Responsibilty • Disoute Settlement • Regulation of multinational enterpises • Banks and monetary systems • The international sales under the CISG
International Business Law: International Edition, 6/E – Ray A. August - Don Mayer - Michael Bixby ©2013 Pearson
To evaluate learning outcomes, tests will consist of both short open-ended questions and multiple-choice questions. The assessment criteria for these tests will take into account the accuracy, relevance and clarity of the answers. Moreover, practical tests will possibly take place in order to evaluate the ability to solve problems on practical cases.
Francesca Maschio
Video professors
Prof. Giorgio Resta - Università Di Roma Tre, Dipartimento Di Giurisprudenza – Fondazione Basso - Fondazione Centro di Iniziativa Giuridica “Piero Calamandrei”.
Prof. Luca Francesia - CSC Computer Sciences Italia S.r.l. (Italia)
List of lessons
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lesson n. 2: Legal systems  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lesson n. 3: Oracles of law  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lesson n. 4: Interpretation  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lesson n. 6: Privacy  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
    •  Lesson n. 9: Contracts  Go to this lesson
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Giorgio Resta
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
    •  Lesson n. 16: Legal systems  Go to this lesson
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia
Luca Francesia