Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communications, Media and Advertising (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2015/2016)

Comparative literature

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description
Adopting a comparative, interdisciplinary and inter-semiotic perspective, the module aims at an investigation of the contemporary narrative in it’s disparate expressions (literature, cinema, music). Preliminarily there will be illustrated the principal theories of the narrative text, from M. Bachtin to G. Genette and R. Barthes, proceeding then to ad exemplification of the European novel of Modernism, in a careful panning also to linguistic-stylistic aspects of the discussed texts. More detailed applications of the theories of narratology will be furnished then through the analysis of some of the most meaningful examples of the contemporary postmodern fiction of the last ten years, privileging in this case the north-American cultural context. Finally, the course concludes with a look on some of the last tendencies emerging from international Comparative Studies, tied to the phenomenon of post-colonialism and migration.
A good command of the Italian language and a school-level knowledge of the Italian and European Literature are required.
The course aims at supplying and more mature, comparative and interdisciplinary, approach to narrative texts, understood in a wider sense in relation to literature, cinema and contemporary music. The students will also have a deeper insight into some masterpiece of the modernist fiction analyzed in their linguistic-stylistic qualities, to finally gain a not-Eurocentric and not-nationalist vision of contemporary literature.
The main topics of the video-lessons held by Fabio Vittorini (IULM, Milano), Guido Davico Bonino (University of Turin) and Nora Moll (UTIU) are: the theories of narrative texts; the analysis of eight classics of Modernism; the narratological analysis of several narrative texts of the last decade; postcolonial theory and recent currents of European literature, linked with the phenomena of post-colonialism and migration.
Requested readings: - Fabio Vittorini, Il testo narrativo, Roma, Carocci, 2005 - Stefano Calabrese, La comunicazione narrativa. Dalla letteratura alla quotidianità, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010 - Arturo Mazzarella, La grande rete della scrittura. La letteratura dopo la rivoluzione digitale, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2008 - Silvia Albertazzi, Lo sguardo dell’altro. Le letterature postcoloniali, Roma, Carocci, 2010 Furthermore, it is requested to read almost three narrative texts discussed by the video-professors; it is recommended to view the films which are analysed during the course.
It will be requested to produce narratological analyses of the literary and film-texts. These exercises aim to improve the student’s ability to elaborate a critical and theoretical interpretation of a text, starting from its structural characteristics. Other objective of the exercises will be the stimulus to a comparative, interdisciplinary and inter-semiotic interpretation of texts.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Nora Moll
List of lessons
Nora Moll
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Filippo La Porta
Filippo La Porta
Filippo La Porta
Filippo La Porta
Filippo La Porta
Filippo La Porta
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Fabio Vittorini
Nora Moll
Nora Moll
Nora Moll
Nora Moll