Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communications, Media and Advertising (running until all currently enrolled students will have completed their studies) (Academic Year 2012/2013)

Forms and Languages of Entertainment

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description

The course explores the languages and forms of entertainment media such as cinema, television and TV advertising, and their relationship with other media (theatre, radio, literature, etc.). Particular attention is devoted to the impact of digitization and technological innovation on languages and genres of entertainment, as well as new models of media experience and consumption. The course also provides an overview of the interpretative paradigms and analytical models of audiovisual products.

Knowledge of the Italian language and films/TV series viewing on a regular basis are required.



The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and basic tools to interpret the forms and languages audiovisual media in the contemporary era. At the end of the course students will be able to situate both theatrical oeuvres and authors and audiovisual products historically; to describe and analyze the formal and linguistic aspects of theatrical oeuvres, television series and film; to contextualize theatrical oeuvres and audiovisual media in the social scenario. 


The course is divided into a series of interrelated modules that deal with the characteristics of our current media-pervaded society; the impact of history of cinema and media industry on the formal and stylistic characteristcs of cinema; the structures, genres and functions of television series; the cinema after the advent of digitalization; the interaction and mutual influences between performing arts and audiovisual media, with particular (but not exclusive) reference to the Italian context; the relationship between audiovisual media and religion.

  • -       Ruggero Eugeni, La condizione postmediale, La Scuola, Brescia 2015
  • -       Federico di Chio, American storytelling. Le forme del racconto nel cinema e nelle serie tv, Carocci, Roma 2016
  • -       Guglielmo Pescatore (a cura di), Ecosistemi narrativi. Dal fumetto alle serie TV, Carocci, Roma 2018
  • -       Dario Edoardo Viganò et al., selezione di saggi messi a disposizione nei Materiali didattici
Additional reccomended texts
-       Milly Buonanno (a cura di), Tempo di fiction. Il racconto televisivo in divenire, Liguori, Genova 2013
-       Elio Girlanda (a cura di), Il precinema oltre il cinema. Per una nuova storia dei media audiovisivi, Dino Audino, Roma 2010



Exercises on the analysis of media products and experiences will be proposed during the course. Students are invited to participate into the discussions on topics related to the course subjects posted in the Forum.

Video lectures of well-known theater and cinema professionals drawn from UniNettuno TV archive (e.g. Giorgio Albertazzi, Pupi Avati, Mario Monicelli, Ennio Morricone, Lina Wertmüller) will be proposed as suggested supplementary material.


Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Dario Edoardo Viganò
List of lessons
Ruggero Eugeni
Ruggero Eugeni
Ruggero Eugeni
Enrico Menduni
Federico di Chio
Federico di Chio
Federico di Chio
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Milly Buonanno
Maurizio Gianotti
Maurizio Gianotti
Maurizio Gianotti
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Elio Girlanda
Dario Edoardo Viganò
Dario Edoardo Viganò
Dario Edoardo Viganò
Dario Edoardo Viganò
Nicola Salvi
Elisabetta Sola