Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (Academic Year 2021/2022)

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems

Content language:Russian
Course description

Objectives of the discipline are: to acquire knowledge of constructive solutions and methodology of design and operation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning ventilation systems for residential, civil and industrial buildings; to study the principles of regulation and ways to improve the energy efficiency of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.

The emphasis is on the formation of professional competencies in designing and improving the energy efficiency of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems for residential, civil and industrial buildings.


The discipline «Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems» is based on the knowledge obtained from such disciplines as «Mathematics», «Physics», «Fundamentals of Architecture and Building Constructions», «Mechanics of liquids and gases», «Thermodynamics and heat and mass transfer», «Heat supply with the basics of heat engineering».


The objectives of the course is to prepare a bachelor who can:

- to calculate the components of the thermal conditions of the premises;

- to calculate air balances for various types of premises;

- to build processes for processing air of any purpose on the I-d diagram;

- to carry out structural, hydraulic and aerodynamic calculations of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems;

- to choose equipment and materials that meet the conditions of safety and energy efficiency;

- to test and regulate the systems of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning.


The course is structured as follows:

Lecture 1. General information about heating. Characteristics of heating systems.

 - Characteristics of heating systems;

 - Classification of heating systems;

 - Heating agent in heating systems;

 - Main types of heating systems.

Lecture 2. Ventilation systems. General information.

 - Concept of ventilation, purpose and main tasks;

 - Classification of ventilation systems;

 - Ventilation system and basic equipment;

 - Air ducts for ventilation systems;

 - Requirements for ventilation systems.

Lecture 3. Air-conditioning systems. General information.

 - Concept of air-conditioning;

 - Classification of air-conditioning systems;

 - Air-conditioning system selection;

 - Main types of air-conditioning systems.


1. Protasevich A. M. Energy saving in heat and gas supply, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. Minsk: New knowledge; M .: INFRA-M, 2015. - 286 p.

2. Nimich G.V., Mikhailov V.A., Bondar Ye.S. Modern ventilation and air conditioning systems. IBIK, 2003, - 626 p


During the course the following practical lessons will take place:

Topic 1.

Calculation of heat losses of the building. Calculation of the main and additional heat losses of the building.

Topic 2.

Design of heating systems. Designing of heating systems taking into account the requirements of normative documents. Methods of hydraulic calculation of pipelines. Hydraulic calculation of pipelines. Selection of heating equipment.

Topic 3.

Determination of air exchange in the room. Calculation of excess heat and moisture entering the room. Calculation of harmful gases and vapors entering the room. Selection of design air exchange in the room.

Topic 4.

Designing of ventilation systems. Schemes of ventilation systems, their individual elements. Aerodynamic calculation of the ventilation system. Selection of ventilation equipment.

Topic 5.

Design of air-conditioning systems. Calculation of heat flows of the computation rooms. Schemes of the air-conditioning system. Selection of the main equipment.

Topic 6.

Designing of fire ventilation. Calculation of the smoke removal system for an apartment building and for underground parking. Calculation of the system of fresh air ventilation for an apartment building.

Topic 7.

Designing a source of heat and cold supply, taking into account energy-saving technologies. Choice of the source of heat and cooling supply. Selection of the main equipment.

Topic 8.

Energy saving measures in heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.

Laboratory classes are held in the installations "Heating", "Ventilation" and "Air-conditioning"

Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Professor not available
List of lessons