Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Communication Sciences (Academic Year 2021/2022) - Public Institutions and Digital Media

Arti visuali e tecnologie

Credits: 12
Content language:Italian
Course description
The course is divided into two modules. The first module deals with the themes of history and art criticism in the 19th and the 20th centuries, with particular attention to the movements so-called "Avant-garde", in Italy, in Europe and in the United States. The second module deals with issues related to art criticism, communication and arts marketing, organization of exhibitions, editorial work and advertising.
The prerequisites consist of a general knowledge of the history and the literature (mainly Italian) of the 19th and 20th Century, so that it will be possible to arrange artistic occurences and protagonists in the history framework and in the main cultural trends of the period.
The course aims to combine the knowledge of contemporary art and art criticism (19th and 20th Centuries, according to the traditional classification), which is necessary for a student of first year, to a dynamic and updated reflection about what it means work on contemporary art. In addition to the basic research work, to be more precise, exhibitions, publications, conferences are either important "opportunities" for reflection and in-depth examination. The students are led to make alive and understandable their knowledge, thanks to the use of new technologies.
Object of the lessons, taught by Alessandro Masi, Salvatore Italia and Dario Cimorelli, is the emersion of new means of expression through the main themes of the art history of 19th and 20th Centuries: Post-Impressionism, Avant-garde in the early twentieth century (Futurism, Cubism, Abstraction, Dadaism), Metafisica, Surrealism, Informal Art, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Conceptual Art. In addition to this study, we address issues about art criticism and arguments relating to the discipline of exhibitions of contemporary art, publishing art, museum marketing and new technologies.
P. De Vecchi, R.Cerchiari, Arte nel tempo, volume III, tomo II, Bompiani, Milano 1991 and subsequent edition, or, alternatively, C.Bertelli - G.Briganti - A.Giuliano, Storia dell’Arte italiana, vol. 4, Electa-Mondadori, Milano, 1992 and subsequent editions and one among the following texts. Other possible references, will be announced during the delivery of the course: M. Calvesi, Le due avanguardie. Dal Futurismo alla Pop Art [1966], ed. Laterza, Roma-Bari A. Masi, C. Barbato, Storia dell’arte italiana 1909-1942, Edimond, Città di Castello 2007 J. Nigro Covre, Arte contemporanea. Le avanguardie storiche, Carocci, Roma 2008 C. Salaris, Futurismo: l’avanguardia delle avanguardie, Giunti, Firenze – Milano 2009 I. Schiaffini, Arte contemporanea: metafisica, dada, surrealismo, Carocci, Roma 2011 C. Zambianchi, Arte contemporanea: dall’Espressionismo astratto all’arte pop, Carocci, Roma 2011
Students will be involved in exercises of "reading" some works of art to be placed in their historical and cultural context, and in a final essay related to a visit to an art exhibition.
Professor/Tutor responsible for teaching
Anna Villari
List of lessons
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Alessandro Masi
Dario Cimorelli
Dario Cimorelli
Laura Marcolini
Leonardo Sangiorgi